Hi there, can someone tell me how I get 288 NM at takeoff in the PMDG Boeing 777W, and get in overspeed, all preparation are correct but the speed run to that kind of number.
And the sconed issue I have experiance is that while taxi the rudder get crazy and go without control to way around the taxi way
Thanks please help.
Your aircraft is going to 288 nautical miles during takeoff…… Send pics pls.
Guess you meant kt (knots). Takeoff speed is somewhere around 160-170kt depends on weight. Should pull the joystick to rotate, just sitting there and waiting that the plane is doing on its own it’s not the way it work.
Thanks for reply yes I mean 288 Knots My mistake. I will try another flight to check how it work.
Thaks Again
Not to rain on your parade, but the preparations can’t be correct if you get that. I suggest running the tutorial so you are sure every step is done. Getting the take-off V-speeds correct is a two step process and many people forget the second step.
Mathijs Kok
Mixup with lbs and kgs perhaps ?
Thnaks for reply for both of you, sorry for the delay, I will check evry step I made, and I hope it will work corrcetly.
Thanks again