I have made a Taxi Ribbon mod.
It can be found here: Tiny Taxi Ribbons
Thanks to Cygnifick for finding the file.
Thanks to mixMugs for help and advice.
Edit 12.10: Just to be clear, v0.2.1 is the latest official release and is completely free.
The features in v0.4.1 has nothing to do with the ribbons itself, and is an extra bonus to the kind people donating.
Features in v0.4.1:
Possible to hide pin marker and distance marker.
Ramp Parking Box has been removed.
Compatibility update for MSFS 2020 v1.11.7.0 > (valid also for v0.2.1).
The Mod is amazing… Well done. I’m using the Tiny version in Green, it’s colour and the tiny size is perfect enough to have it blend as if it’s part of the green taxiway lights. I just need to be more aware to keep an eye on the ribbon, and it’s a lot less glaring than the huge blue arrows, and it blends perfectly for me with that size and colour.