Taxi Ribbon mod

I have made a Taxi Ribbon mod.
It can be found here: Tiny Taxi Ribbons

Thanks to Cygnifick for finding the file.
Thanks to mixMugs for help and advice.

Edit 12.10: Just to be clear, v0.2.1 is the latest official release and is completely free.
The features in v0.4.1 has nothing to do with the ribbons itself, and is an extra bonus to the kind people donating.

Features in v0.4.1:

  • Possible to hide pin marker and distance marker.
  • Ramp Parking Box has been removed.
  • Compatibility update for MSFS 2020 v1.11.7.0 > (valid also for v0.2.1).



I’d literally pay money for a version that lets you activate and deactivate the taxi ribbon with a key press haha.


Thank you.

Any chance of making it an option in the ATC menu?

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Sorry, that is way over my skills. All I have done is hex-edited a file :wink:

Good job though. Thanks again; I really hated those monolithic blue chevrons :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Thanks for this, I was hoping for a way to remove them completely, and just leave the pin marker, but this is the next best thing.

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It might be possible. I will look into it soon.

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Thank you, Jonny, for releasing me from this surreal blue pointers, that killed any good ground Screenshot within a second… :slight_smile:

You’re welcome, happy to release you :slight_smile:


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Now if had the ability to be able to easily toggle the ribbons on and off as required without having to dig into menus, that would be incredible.

If you could easily turn this on and off with a key it would be spectacular! Current implementation is terrible without the easy ATC option in FSX.

Too much trouble for Asobo.

Anyway, it’s a ‘game feature’.

Displaying the route on the PFD map as it is in some real world aircraft would be better for what is supposedly a simulator.


New version (v0.2) uploaded: Tiny Taxi Ribbons

I have a new version of the mod which (optionally) removes the pin marker and distance marker.

But it will not be released until the previous versions of my mod are removed from


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Agreed that a kb toggle would be perfect but as it is this is a huge improvement.

Thank you!

The Mod is amazing… Well done. I’m using the Tiny version in Green, it’s colour and the tiny size is perfect enough to have it blend as if it’s part of the green taxiway lights. I just need to be more aware to keep an eye on the ribbon, and it’s a lot less glaring than the huge blue arrows, and it blends perfectly for me with that size and colour.

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Hi there,

is your official version (0.2) working with the update 5 MSFS?

It should work.
Asobo_UI.BGL hasn’t changed in the latest update.


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Thx for the answer. Just wondered cause the update did download a new file (don’t know if they changed it).

I noticed that the file was updated, but the content is exactly the same.

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