Basically as the title. The taxiway signs suddenly pop into view at really short distances.
Have you tried adjusting your Objects and Terrain LOD slider accordingly?
By asking that question do you mean it’s not popping for you?
Well I never really pay attention to them. I use taxi ribbon, so my eyes are focusing on where the taxi ribbon path is going to… They’re very subtle, so it’s difficult to see.
But I reviewed my video recordings, and it does look like the objects are popping into view on my end too. But I’m not on full ultra settings, since I had to turn down the LOD myself to save FPS. I’m only on RTX 2080 Ti, so I can’t maxxed out my settings otherwise my FPS suffers.
Yes, same on Xbox where we don’t get any LOD control. Like so many of these little bugs I find it hard to remember if it’s always been that way or only since the last update.
I’ve had it set the same I always have. I just don’t recall it being so noticeable in the past.
Not sure I can crank up the lod much further without hammering the fps.
Xbox user also, no it wasn’t always this way. Only after SU6. Not fixed in SU7 either like all them other little bugs that are still there (I hear ya). This popping issue does not make my Series X feel next gen. In fact I haven’t seen this level of popping since the early days of The Witcher 3.
Long wait until SU8.
Yeah, it got introduced already with SU6 from my perspective. It’s subjectively even worse now. At LSZH (Asobo airport) the signs pop-in very late, then stay completely white and just when passing them showing what they’re supposed to show.
I mean, we had a nicely working, beautiful looking game before we were “exposed” to SU5 and its terrible successors, despite the many bugs existing back then. Why is this going down the drain so quickly now? Soon there’ll be the first high-fidelity plane available for FS2020 and I’m seeing myself going back to P3D if nothing major happens…!
This needs to get fixed yes.
It seems the object LOD was changed a few updates ago, so very small airport objects (including taxiway signs) only appear very close to the camera. It cannot be improved by increasing object LOD slider.
I remembered at the time Asobo said that Xbox / PC would allow different behaviours for LOD, but I don’t know what happened in the end. The LOD could definitely be improved on PC because many airport objects pop into view far too close to the camera. It’s also visible on fences and larger airport buildings.
They did change the range when the LOD object renders, back in SU5 or SU6. This update does improve the performance since now the hardware doesn’t need to render as many objects as before.
But this is actually the side effect that the distance range is too close, and the taxiway sign objects never had a lower LOD objects added as part of the rendering update.
I think they just need to add one more LOD object for distance rendering for these objects, just give them a blank yellow low-poly box with no textures. So the only “popping” effect form the same distance is when the texture/decal gets loaded to display the actual taxiway labels but the sign object itself has been rendered from afar.
Has this been acknowledged by Asobo? Very distracting when on the ground at an airport.
Issue caused from SU6. Keep this post alive.
Very obvious popping in VR. Tried experimenting on default KPHX by changing terrain LOD to 200, object LOD 200. No changes. Increasing buildings from Medium to High helps with airport building looking white at a distance, but taxiway signs still pop in at 100 meters or so. Very distracting.
I have a feeling it is an easy fix for the devs, just not sure they know about it. I wasn’t aware that it was an issue on PC too. Here is a video from Xbox.
I too am very disapointed in the taxiways. its not just on default airports that the taxi signs or other objects start popping up when you get closer but on the payware airports too. plus that the signs are hard to read and practically unreadable at night makes me move back to x-plane.
Has this ever been resolved?? I’m still having the issue.
Yes, I suspect that was all part of an optimisation process for slower systems at that time, and we all got affected by it. On final, you can see the yellow taxiway signs appearing as you descend, even though other details can be seen much further away.
I wonder if they have a wrong LOD level assigned to them, or something like that.
For example, here is one shot. Note the area circled.
Now let’s move a little closer, and three signs appear.
But a fourth one is still missing, so a tiny bit closer…
I don’t remember it being this bad before.
Can we get a fix for the popping in Taxiway signs? I’ve been making reels for social media and began to notice that they pop in while I’m landing. Adjusting the LOD sliders has no impact on them either.
Thank you.
Alot of things pop in as we’re further away. Yes it would be nice if everything is visible all the time regardless the distance