TBM 930 Feather and fuel cutoff

Remember, in this plane, prop and condition are pretty much automatic. You never need to touch either lever. Before spawning cold and dark, keep the throttle lever all the way back, and if you have axes set for prop or condition, keep them full forward and pretend they don’t even exist. Use the mouse to control the power lever until you have it on the left side (hold left mouse button and tap right, as mentioned above). Once the lever is on the right, your throttle axis should behave normally. For shutdown, pull the throttle axis back to idle, then it’s back to the mouse. Use the hold-left-tap-right method to get back to the right side. This will feather the prop. Bring it back to the low idle position and let it stabilize there before going to cutoff. This video from Daher features the 900 with its G1000, but the startup procedure is exactly the same. When I first started flying the TBM in the sim, I watched this about 20 times - enough that I knew what was coming next for the entire procedure. When I got into the plane in the sim, I was very pleased to see just how closely it matched the video.

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