Anyone have any idea how to bind the RIGHT HAND SIDE of the TBM 930 throttle ? (LO-Idle / HI-Idle) in MSFS2024 ?
I cant find any axis that controls it, no binding that works.
Any ideas would be much apprechiated.
Anyone have any idea how to bind the RIGHT HAND SIDE of the TBM 930 throttle ? (LO-Idle / HI-Idle) in MSFS2024 ?
I cant find any axis that controls it, no binding that works.
Any ideas would be much apprechiated.
Flying VR I use mouse cursor
To switch from Flight Iddle to Taxi position: set mouse cursor over Throttle Click left button + right button, grap the throttle and move to the left.
I think there need to be a transition toggle (unfortunatly I don’t know the value name, but the search function in the bindings may help - I am not in front of the sim right now, so I can’t look it up) - the axis should be the same. I use my throttle for controlloing both axis, switching the modes with the mouse (in VR as also in 2D mode).
Thank you for your responses so far. To clarify:
No mouse. I am looking for an input that can be bound to a peripheral.
There is a sort of transition toggle that moves the throttle from left to right (I think its the feathering keybind) but then the throttle only moves on the left hand side, not on the right hand side.
I use prop control and then use to feather.
errr… what now ?
I use a VPC Mongoose CM3 throttle and have X Axis (Rx) bound to Throttle1 Axis and Y axis (Ry) bound to Propeller1 Axis. I also have bottom indent buttons on Rx and Ry which are bound to Thottle Decrease and Engine Cutoff respectively. This used to work fine in 2020, but in 2024 I find the control is OK but the animation is backwards … Throttle increases when I move the Rx arm forward, but the funky cockpit control arm moves backwards (towards reverse). The Feather side is almost ok, when I move the Ry axis it jumps from throttle to feather, and the cutoff switch on the Ry indent works as it should.
Binding the Propeller Axis to a slider on Turtle Beach Vel 1 throttle quad worked here. Button bound to Fuel cutoff toggle to move to the bottom of the rightmost channel on the console. Probably not the most graceful solution but does the trick (no mouse required).
But when you move the slider you bound the Propeller Axis to, it resets back to the leftside channel, doesnt it ?
Also: I cant find anything called “Fuel cutoff toggle”. What is the exact name of the binding you are referring to ?
Yes, it always “jumps” back to the left side which is annoying to say the least. I’m stuck with using two axes and a button to avoid the mouse. Please share details if you get it to work for you.
Sorry for the vague “Fuel Cutoff Toggle” reference. “Toggle All Fuel Valves” must have been the intended. Senior memory moment lol!
Senior memory moment is my middle name ! I… think… I forgot my actual middle name.
Anyway, thanks a lot ! I havent found any good solution. I am doing the same as you, except for the fuel valve. I forgot what it was but I bound something to a button that puts the thruttle into cutoff. Basically same as you.
There is no solution using SPAD either, nor any hybrid version. We are just stuck with this. Wich is a shame, the 930 is one of my favorites.