TBM G3000 Question

Hey quick question. I’m flying the TBM 930 with working title g3000 mod but having issues with advisory vnav.

As I’ve highlighted in the screenshot, on the lower touchscreen you can see VNAV is enabled and it is showing the correct waypoint and altitude for VNAV (WASLO @ 11000’). It’s also showing a TOD in 3:51 which means it’s correctly calculating the 3 degree descent path.

However if you then look up on the MFD under Current VNAV Profile, it’s all blank! It’s like the two screens aren’t communicating with each other. Has this happened to anyone else and know of a solution?


Same for me
According to me, the only thing VNAV is able to do for the time beeing is
Give you TOD
Give you Rate of descent
if you look at in the flight plan displayed by GTC you see that each PLN way point have computed altitudes by VNAV

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yes the flight plan looks good in the lower screen. not sure what’s going on with the MFD

I don’t think WT-3000 has VNAV functionality yet.

Did you also fill in the altitudes in the FP itselve? VNAV works with the G3000 only sometimes it’s confusing where you have to dail in the altitudes and were to activate it.

yes that’s where the 3000’ @ WASLO comes from I entered that as an altitude constraint a few miles from the airport. and it’s showing correctly in the bottom screen but not in the MFD

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but it seems to half way, because the bottom screen is telling me the time to TOD

oh wow that looks like it’s working marvelously! did you manually enter those constraints? what was your process for getting it to show up correctly in the MFD?

i see those waypoints are above the enroute section, is that a departure?

Yes, entered them manually in the Flightplan screen. So not in the VNAV screen (however they show up there after entering them in the FP)

are those departure legs? i see they are above the Enroute section…

Yes, long SID so already on my cruise.

Direct GRONY, no alt selected:
Then i enter an alt restriction:

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ah gotcha. I’ve never used a published departure yet on the G3000.

I just program in a route that leads to my destination airport. I usually pick a waypoint a few miles off the end of the runway threshold and enter an altitude constraint there so a 3 degree descent GS will be calculated. That’s what you’re seeing in my OP screenshot. The altitude is showing in the bottom screen but not showing in the top MFD…

if you enter a lower altitude near the end of your route, will it correctly calculate you VNAV descent in all the screens?

Yes, changed alt restriction to 7000:

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thanks for that. ok i’m going to load up a new flight and try again to see if I can get it to work and report back with screenshots.

What might be the case is that the “VNAV” screen is not linked to the FP, yet the FP is linked to "VNAV’ screen.

how do you link them?

Did not do anything special, in your screens it’s strange the altitude restrictions on the FP does not show up in the upper screen of the middle MFD.