After the latest update the TCA Quadran no longer functioning in control options seeattached photo I tried everything device manger recognizing it and indicts that it is working have no clue what went wrong or how to fix it !!!
While in that screen, have you tried unplugging and replugging?
I’ve had my pedals go haywire before and unplugging while in there and replugging a message popped up that it detected the new device.
Worth a try.
Yes tried it several times I also retarted after updating the firmware, but no use!!
My computer detacted the device.
The only other thing I can think of would be to uninstall the drivers, go into device manager, right click and remove.
Reboot, let it re-detected (Windows) and re-install the drivers and see if it picks it up.
Yes I did uninstall the driver It was detected as I mentioned and shows working properly in the device manger !! I belive something went wrong within the sim after the updated!!.
Thank You for helping appreciated.
Have you removed it completely though?
What I mean by that is, in device manager, right click and uninstall / remove.
This will remove the device from Windows and then when you reboot it will re-detect / install fresh.
Agreed, on it having something to do with the upgrade but need a way to get the sim to re-pick it up.
Have you tried plugging it into a different USB port?
Edit - Sorry I see you mentioned the firmware but maybe below might still be useful anyway.
I have this throttle and joystick. The instructions state about downloading the drivers. As far as I know they work fine by just plugging them in, as I had the joystick only to begin with and did this (Windows 10/11). But if you download the driver file from the Thrustmaster website, it also comes with a firmware updater. Once fully removed as mentioned above, it might be a good idea to try this, follow instructions and run the firmware updater to see if a new version is available.
Then when that’s all done go into the game and try again.
Hope that helps!
I did exactly what you said but no luck!
sorry bud, I’m out of ideas.
When you go into Game Controllers in Windows, is it listed there and when you go into the properties, does it have all the settings with the image of it?
I agree it was working fine without any driver . Just did that out of desperation !!
Thank you no worries. I have to say that this is a very strange thing to happen !!. the joystick is working fine though
yes is it listed and yes the properties shows the name of the device and it is working properly.
From the attacched photo you also see that it is regognized by name and in the sensitvitey box the throttels only moves, but during the flight it dose not function!!
I can’t see a photo attached.
Sorry I’m not sure then if drivers and firmware are all good and all plugged in properly etc. Hate to suggest it as might take ages but might mean a game reinstall or double checking you have the latest game update. Also I think you can verify the game files in the options in the xbox windows app.
From the pic I see TCA Q-ENG 3&4 which would be for a second set of throttles right? What are the throttles in the pic to the left? Something conflicting with it? Unplug the other and try only the ones you are having issues with.
Ah yes that’s true! @Sami85x maybe check the switches also? There is a switch on the front for the mode 1&2 and 3&4. If you have just one throttle (I think you have?) then it might be set wrong.
I unpluged other set of throttles,unfourtunately it did not work! !
prior to sim update they all worked fine,
Hmmm !!? I tried switched to Eng 1 & 2 still showing the same with Eng 3 & 4 no change .
thank you for your help
Wahooooo no longer grounded I suspected that some defects and it was the USBc cable!
replaced it and back to flyimg thank you all for your support