TCA throttle usb problem. Device not recognized

Was playing msfs2020 and suddenly the whole throttle controll stopped working. Got a fault message that the pc couldnt recognize the usb device. Tried unplugging, restarting pc, updating drivers etc. Didnt want to return it because i didnt want to wait too long. I decided to open it up myself and found that there was two loose connectors on the upper left of the board. Pushed these back in place and the problem was solved. Putting it in here since i have seen many having the same problem.

Funfact, the two black buttons under the engine start switches are marked “fire fault 1” and "fire fault 2":joy:

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Topic moved into #self-service:pc-hardware

The Bug Reporting category is for reporting confirmed bugs using the provided template.

Glad you found the problem! I had the same type of issue with a yoke. Had to take it apart and do some repairing.

Well done.Thank you for posting your findings!!

I had the same problem too, worked normally for about a week and then, it just wouldn’t connect to my computer.

However after disassembling the whole thing, I found no error, BUT when I worriedly plugged it back it to my sim, It WORKED
I guess it was just a weird error that fixed it self