TCAS Question

I know this is traffic, and the numbers refer to altitude, but what do the numbers mean?

If they’re below or above you? Google has the answer

This is indicating “relative” altitude (relative to your altitude). Those are hundreds of feet above (+) or below (-) you. So -55 would be 5500 feet below you. If there’s an up arrow, that flight is climbing, if a down arrow, that flight is descending.
In some planes you can change it so the altitude is absolute (it will show their altitude without the + or -. Just numbers indicating what altitude they’re at.

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Ah…so its in relation to my altitude. That actually makes a lot of sense.
I do see a couple of them above with an arrow both up and down.
This is from the PMDG 737-700 so I don’t know if I can change it to actual altitude but the relational aspect is more intuitive to me.
Thank you for your quick response


Wow… that’s a LOT of traffic…