I did some testing, and yes I have the same problem. It only happens when importing a flight plan from Littlenavmap, though. If i build the flight plan in the MSFS flight planner, it starts turned on as expected.
I’ll report this bug as well to the team.
Another question: Where is NAV2 set on this plane? I see the DME selector has an option for N2 implying NAV2 is useable, but where? I can only seem to find NAV1 on the GNS430… I searched through FSS documentation and could not find the answer to this.
It would be quite nice if this plane does have a NAV2. Maybe the DME instrument simply always offers NAV2 even if not usable and they chose to display it faithfully… not sure.
EDIT & UPDATE this plane is not really in a good state right now (analog version) lot of bugs and missing features
I put in 2 Tickets for major issues open with FSS for 7 days now that are just not right…
1st ticket description “No Special Mission Platform livery in the livery selections. How do we get this livery? FSS Manual says it has it.” as the Tecnam P2006T analog has a section dedicated to explaining this special livery in its documentation page.
Response was “hi the SMP variant is only available in the MKII version. There is none for the analog cockpit” and after drawing their attention to the documentation stating otherwise the ticket has just been left open since…
second ticket description “no visible cargo I thought it was supposed to be dynamic cargo? when adding weight to passenger seat cannot see copilot in cockpit view, I can see the rear passengers but not the co-pilot. and with the cargo livery nothing appears but the back at all. also no copilot.”
no visible cargo and no visible copilot in passenger view, these 2 things together are the main reason I bought this plane. + the SMP variant.
Response “copilot is not allowed as per MSFS marketplace restrictions. It should only show up in the exterior view”
I can’t wrap my head around these responses, it does not seem right to offer these features then blatantly tell the customer that too bad the product does not actually have them. I responded saying that i have other marketplace purchased planes that do have visible copilot in 1st person view so I really have no idea what they’re referencing here…
I made these efforts in good faith from a place of understanding and I’m willing to wait for these features to come but a flat out no…? I now feel I need to share this example of poor support from this developer.
If you’re looking at buying the P2006T NON ANALOG i guess you will get what you paid for but if you’re coming here trying to gauge the Analog version let me tell you right now forget it, no support and less features than the normal non analog version. I wish i never bought this analog version.
It is a shame this is a good flight model and an this is an interesting plane but the inaction & lack of accountability for their products description in this case leads me to recommend staying far, far away from this plane. This was my first purchase from FSS and looks like it will be my last.