Tecnam P2012 is Here

Any small regional aircraft is a welcomed addition to my fleet due to my constant choice of aircraft for a flight are small airliners or regional aircraft because I fly them way more than the heavy aircraft :slight_smile:


A warning to all: If you press the binding for “Toggle Autopilot Master” (Z key default) in the P2012, it will flip the AP MASTER switch on the lower panel instead of toggling the AP button on the Garmin autopilot, as it does on virtually every other aircraft. Once you have done this, the AP will never engage until you do a complete electrical reset of the aircraft (turn all elec. switches on the overhead off, and then turn all back on).

I reported that as a bug. Just putting it out there for anyone reading. I had a really s****y first experience with this aircraft as a result.

Edit/P.S. : Even after doing the “fix” (electrical reset), the UP/DN wheel on the GFC panel will not function for any modes that use it.

So, in other words. Never, ever press “Z”, or any button you have bound to the same command, in the P2012 until they push a patch. It’ll ruin your flight.


only limited G1000 functions, no simbrief

My avionics are shutting down randomly…I wonder If I’ve done something wrong?
It will import a plan from the PMS G750

First and foremost, it depends on how you like to fly.

  • do you prefer single-engine or twin-engine airplanes?
  • which flight distances do you prefer?
  • which flying areas?
  • do you prefer feeder airplanes? or private GA aircraft? or Jets?
  • do you value visible passengers? and cargo?
  • do you prefer steam gauges or glass cockpits?

I personally like to fly between 20 to max. 90 minutes and prefer to simulate a feeder airline with modern aircraft. I like to take off and land at small regional airports, somewhere far out.

The P2012 is perfect for this, espacially in combination with FSDG Seychelles or other sceneries.

There is no single recommendation, because everyone has their own preferences.

Give it a try. Happy landings.

I changed my bindings to Autopilot ON and Autpilot OFF instead of Autpilot MASTER. A quick fix that works with other aircraft.


Really? This would make me wait for this to be fixed before buying.

Ready your wallets!

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Already done, my friend :wink:


What do you think of it so far?

I really like this airplane because it meets my requirements.

The system depth is sufficient, I particularly like the walk-around, various configurations speak for long-term motivation, the flight behavior is good.

I have flown in a P2012 as a passenger several times and it somehow feels “right”.

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What are the sounds like? The description reads as if they put significant effort in to it.

I’ve been spending a lot of time in the BBS Shorts, and I’m wondering what this offers that the Shorts doesn’t…other than a sleeker looking airframe. :slight_smile:

This one is a modern aircraft :rofl:

Sounds are pretty good.

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It also indicates it is turbocharged, so hopefully they made use of the new simvars that appeared in SU13(?).

I cannot answer this. Sorry.

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Pretty good actually. A couple quirks but nothing I can’t live with. There’s no change in sound between 800-1000 RPM. If the props overspeed (even by 1 RPM), which they typically do slightly when going to takeoff power, there is a specific sound that plays…I’m not sure how to describe it, it’s not a smooth escalation in pitch. If you’re in external view, the rear sound cones for the engines are too quiet. I’m also a nefarious nitpicker of sounds.

There are some flight dynamics quirks. For instance, crosswind takeoffs/landings seem problematic at the moment, but I’ll have to fly some more in order to define the problem.

I think it’s a respectable add-on overall, nice modeling/texturing, nothing show-stopping (except for the Z key/autopilot thing). I do think this is an interesting aircraft: a clean-sheet, modern, piston twin. That’s pretty novel when you consider that there was zero innovation in that segment from the 1970’s until whenever the DA42 came out (I guess the P2006 is noteworthy too).

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Does that feel like a ground handling problem, with the wheels slipping laterally a lot?

Is this available somewhere where I just can download it and do not need an extra program on my PC? I do not want Aerosoft One or the contrail app. I have not found it anywhere else

I didn’t want it either, but once its downloaded you don’t need to have it running to use it, only update it, or cleanly remove it.

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It’s not that. The upwind wing wants to rise aggressively and I ran out of aileron on both takeoff and landing. But like I said, I need to fly more before making a big statement about that. Don’t want to give a wrong impression. The weather was miserable and gusty where I did my first flights, plus I’m using “weird” curves on my joystick atm because the last a/c I flew was the FSR500 and that one demands it.