Tecnam P2012 is Here

Thanks, I’ll wait till it hits the marketplace then or not buy it at all :smiley:

Yeah, that’s not good! :slight_smile:

I know some need more than others, but not found one where I can’t overcome it. Hopefully they patch that soon. Does it happen if you don’t use flaps on takeoff?

I’ll do some more Cape Air runs tonight and report back. Hopefully the weather in the Cape is as awful today as it was the last two days :joy:. Other than my awkward takeoffs, I did have a nice time…after I figured out the AP problem.

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So is it true that there is no Sim Brief integration ?

Not directly. You can do it with the world map or the ‘stand alone’ GTN750.

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Thx, fair enough for a hopper. The sound is amazing tthough from what I can hear in reviews.

I wonder if the take-off sound is correct. Somehow the engine makes a sound that’s feels off. Some excessive growling or so.

If you’re used to being around GA airplanes, the new composite 4-blade props do have a sound that makes you go :face_with_raised_eyebrow: the first time you hear it.

I don’t think the takeoff sound is wrong, maybe not the best audio sample, but I made a specific comment about the sound of the props overspeeding a few posts up.

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But what is the reason that the developers didn’t take advantage of the full G1000 WTT setup? Financial reasons?
I like the plane, nice cockpit views in VR, nice big window. But I wouldn’t have bought it if i would have known about the G1000 limitations before.

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What are the G1000 limitations? Doubting this one as I consider it quite expensive.

Good question, wondering the same since the WT G1000 nxi is now fully integrated within MSFS.

Anyone know when this will be available on Simmarket?

Hi guys,

the first update for our P2012 is now available in Contrail and will be available in Aerosoft One tomorrow.

We are currently reworking the engine performance to slow this bird down a bit for takeoff and climb but that won’t be ready before next week so we decided to give you these changes already:

  • Fixed mesh gaps around windows
  • Added clickspot to hide EFB
  • Fixed skydive clipping door animation
  • Fixed master battery toggle event
  • Fixed missing roll indication on standby ADI
  • Fixed missing passengers on SMP and APEX livery
  • Fixed door handle animation on Kenai livery
  • Fixed prop animation during flight in EFB cam
  • Fixed missing G1000 menus on MFD using navigraph plugin
  • Potentially fixed graphical glitches on MFD
  • Refined exteior deice light mesh
  • Removed Cape Air registration below wing
  • Added 3D persons to medivac cabin config

Fixed in v1.0.1 that has just been released :slight_smile:

It was a bug in the loading order of our FMS keypad plugin. It was loaded before the navigraph plugin in certain conditions

Thank you. I wasn’t sure if I was flying the HondaJet again or a twin turbo-prop during takeoff and climb :grinning:.

I only had time for a quick local flight with a few touch and goes last night, but I enjoyed the rest of the flight. Very stable with none of the twitchiness I experience in a lot of MSFS aircraft. Trims out for straight and level flight beautifully. This one shows a lot of promise after you get the wrinkles ironed out. Love the extensive documentation, checklists, and tons of QOL features. :+1:


Zil Air legs are included in the Mission Hub :heart_eyes:

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Already completed :wink:

So I became weak and bought it despite another shop client… For all of you AAO users out there here is the complete scripts for all the switches you need (except the keypad for the G1000, if I get bored I may do it :D)

There may be errors, eventhough I tested everything. AC Controls are included. All two way switches come with on/off/toggle.

All 3 way switches come with their 3 respective states. If you have a non permanent push button board (like my X-Mini for example) there is a 2 Switch version for all the 3 button switches, so you can go from off to one state or from one state to off or the other state. Just map one button to one on state and another to the second one.
Pressing the on state when the switch is off turns it on. Pressing it again will turn it off. Pressing one on state while the other is on switches from one state to the other. You’ll see what I mean when you get the scripts :smiley: Hard to explain.

All light switches come with off/max/5 percent increment and decrement.

Please let me know if you find any errors. Sorry for the google drive download, but I do not want to use flightsim.to anymore.

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Thank you!