Tell me about weather radar in the sim

I don’t have any aircraft with WX radar capability. I’ve read posts saying it’s minimally implemented in the sim. For those who have and use it with Live Weather turned on, what’s your impression?

Does it accurately display current weather in front of the aircraft?
Does the radar have the kinds of controls you might find in a real cockpit?
What MFD do you need in order to use it?



Hi @BegottenPoet228. FWIW, Working Title did add Wx Radar capability to at least the Citation Longitude with the AAU1 update (G3000/5000). I thought it was a pretty accurate reflection of current weather (using Live Weather). It is possible the other aircraft they updated with AAU1 and AAU2 also have updated Wx Radar capability but haven’t used those aircraft yet. I hope others will chime in.

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Does it accurately display current weather in front of the aircraft?

For the aircraft that have it, it does a decent job, although from what I can tell it doesn’t really factor in altitude. I can have storm cells showing on the radar but I’m above them.

Does the radar have the kinds of controls you might find in a real cockpit?

No, not really - except for the G1000-G5000 which have the Connext radar - which isn’t the aircraft’s real radar, it is a data feed (so there really aren’t many controls there). For the limited aircraft that do have a working Wx radar, tilt and gain are basically never implemented due to sim limitations and the effort it would take to get working.

All of the above is just what I have seen over the last year of flying in the sim, but I only can provide my experience from the aircraft in my hangar.

Edit: just want to add, the overall experience varies from aircraft to aircraft. Many choose to just not implement any radar at all even if the real world aircraft has it. Others do the best they can given the limitations. Typically, most aircraft I’ve seen with the Garmin units will have a basic radar working.

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Yes you do. Fire up the tbm 930. The avionics and weather radar after AAU2 work very well. I use the connext overlay on the map and find it replicates real life pretty well . Have compared it to real weather radar and pretty good. Im sure its not perfect and different layers not represented well but certainly gives a decent feel for wx radar operation.


In addition to the TBM and the stock A320, the Honda jet does it quite well. You can tilt it, and you can even have a horizontal view as well as the map view. I don’t think the tilt actually does anything though.

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PMS50’s GTN750 has a reasonably working Weather Radar. No Tilt, but it does seem to correctly depict precipitation, both Horiz & Vert modes, and correctly, it’s not a cloud display


NO Precip, but same cloud

May not be perfect, lacking a few features, but it’s basically there, and on par with most of the other level of simulation in MSFS 2020

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Weather radar is only available in the paid version.

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Black Square Bonanza has weather radar, as part of the standard avionics.

Wonder why they could do it, in a way that is actually usefull, but WT/Asobo couldnt?
Are they using any external Weather Data or is it actually displaying MSFS participation?

100% MSFS data, no external data source.

However, there is a option to get Metars from the Internet

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Correct – You get what you pay for … :wink:

Another, disappointing example of this is -

Very sad news - but it is what it is - life goes on.
We have to learn to live with our choices.


Is it STILL a cloud radar.?

I thought it has been updated some SU’s ago, to now display precipitation, and that precipitation data is what the Payware Pms50’s GTN750 is now displaying.

Defiantly the pms50 GTN750 only displays Precipitation.

  1. Set the weather profile to rain, turn up Precipitation, and you see returns.

Cloud + rain


  1. Then set the Precipitation down to zero, (same clouds) and all those radar return disappear.

Same Cloud, but zero Precipitation

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It’s been a precipitation radar for a long time. It’s no longer the “cloud radar” that it was in the early days of MSFS.


Oh ok, sry, then im out of the loop! My bad.
Unfortunately no plane i fly currently, has a wx radar, so i didnt know. Deleted my post to avoid confusion. Thx for proving me wrong :grin:

Its virtually impossible to be in all the Loops !!!

They are so complex, and keep changing with so many ambiguous information for so many varied sources.

Consider how confusing it all must be to someone new to MSFS, and how many forums, discords and SDKs one would have to read, to be anywhere near “in all the Loops”

So this thread has Value to all, especially those new to MSFS, to know what has gone before, what has got fixed, (and all the work it has taken to get those fixes implemented) and how it now works…

And as a Student pilot, flying old C172s, you don’t get to see many "Aviation Weather Radars " :wink:


haha, never had my fingers on a real one, no :smile:

And here we are, almost 4 years later, and still no progress or even any news on whether an API is definitely being worked on. And with MSFS24 in progress, it makes me wonder if that’s going to end up being an MSFS24 thing, or we still get some form of WXR API in an upcoming SU to the existing MSFS.

More so, with Inibuilds announcing an A350, and having an in-progress A320neo with the same type of WXR, not to mention an A380, which, too, has the same type, I’ve wondered how in any event of API access, it would handle the more-advanced Honeywell RDR-4000 IntuVue, given that in the past with P3D and AS, most simulated WXRs have been Collins WXR-2100 MultiScans or similar. That would most definitely require 3D data, since the RDR-4000 has the capability to display weather returns on the VD (below the ND, on the same screen).

I believe, based on comments made during the API QA’s 2 years ago, and other things said here and there, this is not a technology issue. The data is not owned by MSFS, so they cannot just build in ‘pull’ APIs for external parties to grab it when they want - API calls are negotiated as part of the contract MS signed with Meteoblue, and those would have to be redone, which I’d imagine took months to do when the sim was built. But one of the API folks said, directly, that this was not a techincal issue. This is strictly a problem where MS is getting data, and they don’t own the rights to make that available except in the ways they have allowed so far. And it does make sense that they had to renegotiated all those API deals for 2024 (and perhaps another reason why this had to be a new full version), and that some form of API access to 3rd parties was added. But we’re talking deals that cost millions - so it’s not such a easy thing to just throw in. All of this is my opinion, for obvious reasons MS can’t comment, and won’t. But it lines up with everything that’s happened.

This was a while ago, and from what I can figure, the sim is now becoming less reliant on that since they’ve started to implement publicly-available METARs.

So basically we are not getting the Weather Radar on MSFS2024?..