which driver version do you have ? The latest driver update from Nvidia is the reason for that. Everybody with same rig as you ( me included) had to rollback to previous driver, in order to make it function again.
Only those with higher rig and DX12 didn’t have ctd’s
First of all, that driver has official reported issues with MSFS2020 CTD’s. You should roll back 1 or 2 versions.
If you have this on all driver versions then read below.
I’ve had CTD’s since SU5 and tried endlessly to fix it.
I finally found a fix that seems to work. Since applying these settings, I have not crashed once (as opposed to every single flight before)
Disable full screen optimizations and run as admin for MSFS2020
Set max frames in NCP for MSFS2020 to 30
Turn on VSYNC in-game settings and set frame limit to 60 (it’ll be capped to 30 anyway)
I know some of these settings conflict with each other and make no sense but something I done above fixed my CTD’s