Temporary VR EFB Solution with Custom inGamePanel

Hey everyone,

I’ve been messing around with a workaround for the broken EFB tablet in VR on MSFS 2024. I made a custom inGamePanel that acts as a temporary fix. Here’s the deal:

  • The panel opens either through the default tablet icon or a new one labeled “EFB PANEL.”
  • You can also pop it up using the default EFB hotkey combo (same as the stock one).
  • It creates a separate instance of the tablet, and it syncs all the settings with the default EFB.

It’s pretty simple and gets the job done until they fix the VR tablet. Let me know what you think or if you’ve got questions! Happy flying!


Will try tomorrow. Thanks for the effort

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If you encounter any problems, just try switching the tablet via the standard keyboard shortcuts. In most cases, it works.

thanks. Does it only work in the 172? Tried it on pc24 but no joy there.

It should work everywhere. I’ll take a look after work, in general I’ve checked on several planes with and without integrated 3d EFB.

MSFS in VR mode strangely destroys the toolbar, without it the add-on will not be able to work.

Try switching the tablet via the hotkeys assigned to the default EFB

have an controler button asigned to open EFB
going to try it again

Think i did follow right procedure?
Have put the folder in community

I won’t be able to check until a couple of hours later.

And I don’t see any icons with the text “EFB PANEL” on your video in the toolbar. Could you show me what the panel lock/unlock window looks like? (the gear icon in the toolbar)

Wil do…if i remember correctly there was no extra option available in the toolbar.
But will check it later

This is what the toolbar looked like? Dont know if i have to enable in gear icon?

If the panel is installed correctly and is not turned off under the gear icon. The toolbar should have an icon circled in red.

Unfortunately, I only have the standard version of the simulator and there is no PC-24, so I won’t be able to test on this plane.

I seem to have found the problem, there is an error when reopening/closing the EFB. I will try to fix it soon.

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@JOEDANCEN Have you by any chance changed the location of the Community folder? Do you have any other third-party add-ons that work?

You are a legend…its working. What a super option this is…

Dont try to download flightplans because it will freeze then. But that no biggie
Thank you genius

I just updated the archive link. Download it and replace the files in the Community folder. This version is more stable, but it cannot synchronize the flight plan from the panel to the default EFB (I am solving this problem)


Thanks a lot for this EFB panel. It works great in VR, but I can’t open Simbrief Dispatch when this is installed. Not on the original EFB or yours. After disabling your EFB panel with addon linker, I can open the Simbrief Dispatch again.

I will give this a try when I get home from the office. I have been using Sky4Sim for my mapping in planes without GPS or auto pilot (Beech 17 for example)

I plan to keep using that, its just ■■■■ good, but getting the actual EFB would be a godsend

Thank you for reporting the issue. I’ll try to check it tomorrow and fix it if possible.


This is an heroic effort for the VR community! Well done and thank you. @dbuz1805 :salute:

I look forward to trying it out this week next time I am flying.

Do you know if it will work with the new Sky4Sim EFB Upgrade that embeds S4S into the EFB?


Simple applications like Descent Calculator work exactly. Sky4Sim requires verification.

SimBrief is not working yet, the reason is the iframe in the EFB application. It does not allow you to connect from 2 windows at the same time, but I am looking for a solution.

strangely yesterday i had it working but with the new version not. Don’t see the efb panel option in the toolbar. Folders are correct. Help appreciated. Dont know what the folder oa-simobject is tbh