Taxiway N to Rwy 25 has some substantial terrain deformities making the taxiway and entrance to Rwy 25 impossible. I was glad to see EDDS added to the Marketplace and was looking forward to enjoying this airport in my next video. Bummer. Hopefully, this is a simple update.
Looks like the issue is more than just the Terrain. Two Rwy 25s competing for the same space. Two PAPIs, overlapping approach light towers, and runway markings. Oops.
I discovered that the issue was related to Navigraph Beta Navdata installation. Removal of the navdata fixed the issue. There is another post which addresses this same issue with solution to correct the Navigraph installation.
FAQ - Scenery-File re-organisation / initialization - MSFS Navdata Beta / FAQ - Navigraph
Good to see this solution. I am planning to get EDDS too, as soon as I can reach my computer. I can recommend deleting the content.xml every update of MSFS and Navigraph as well. Often it solves wrong computed SIDs and STARs for me too.
Anything I can do about when using FS2020 on XBox having no Navigraph installation?
Hi Everyone,
before i start with describing my problem I want to ask if anybody did hear some rumors if Just Sim is uptating ANY of their MSFS Scenery at all. Because even writing them on facebook leads to absolutely NO response. So i was asking myself if anybody with the EDDS Scenery from Just Sim in this Forum is seeing the same Problem.
-latest MSFS version as of 10.08.2022
-World update Germany is installed
-Navigraph is not the reason for this problem, tried it many times with and without and deleting the content.xml
-Just Sim V1 EDDS installed
-Default EDDS Scenery ist “false” in the content.xml
So as you can see I did all measures to eliminate the known issues…however i still get this crazy Runway slope!. So my question is…Do I really have to wait for an Update from Just Sim adjusting the elevation data??? Thanks for your help. The rest of the Airport is just fine.
Maybe someone owning EDDS from Just Sim can share some screenshots of their Runway.
PS: And yes I did try the Runway Fix from but Jetways are sunk in the ground. Another solution would be if some modders like “sierrabravo” can do an extra Runway fix for the Just Sim version because i have the feeling that Justsim does not give a f*** about their customers.
As I am located at the vicinity of EDDS it is so bad that this is the only Airport causing any issues at all. Bad luck I guess^^
I have the same issues with EDDS from Just Sim and tried all what was said above but still with same problem of terrain. Both taxi ways and runway have terrain issues making the scenery unusable. Can Just Sim fix this issue please? After all this is a payware scenery.
On PC? Last time I had this, I completely uninstalled the Asobo stuttgart, cleared cache, installed just sim and started my machine.
It fixed the elevation issues. Just uninstall the scenery completely from content manager.
Thx for the warning. JustSim is now on my ignore list forever.