3 is Ultra for that setting yes. You can set it in the cfg file or from the user interface graphics settings. Don’t edit the cfg file manually while the game is running or you may lose your changes.
Thanks a lot for your help’ I will change the setting Off Screen Terrain Precaching in the graphics option to ULTRA and see.
Here are the new photos after I changed the TERRAIN LEVEL OF DETAIL to 300, OBECT LEVEL OF DETAIL to 200 and OFF SCREEN TERRAINJ PRE-CACHING to ULTRA. A very minor defference, but I think its OK.
Your first pic is a autogen area and your second pic is a photogrammetry area. Photogrammetry may look a lot nicer but also takes a bigger performance hit with a higher terrain LOD setting.
It won’t make much difference to objects in the foreground, it will just make those much further away look a little better.
For example, if I mess around with terrain/object LODs when I have the drone camera hovering over EGLC, I can look to the West, and make very low detail trees appear on the far side of EGLL. It will also make individual hangars appear, and disappear at that range. That’s about 24 miles, and I really don’t want the massive overhead that creates just so I can see a low-poly hangar at maximum zoom.
But it will make no difference to the quality of EGLC.
So how does MSFS decides to load photogrammetry or autogen?
You should note that photogrammetry has better ground imagery than does the autogen only mode. It appears to me that you run with PG off?
I would suggest PG on (its an option in the “Data” section under “General Options”) and make sure texture resolution(Graphics option) is at Ultra.
Is it just me or is the water mask poorer, that is, worse?
The Photogrammetry is always ON. The Texture resolution was in HIGH and I will change it to ULTRA and check again.
I feel like Im losing my mind here… Is it just me or are the buildings in the yellow square different?
The left is what I see and the right is from the images above.
I would guess the full quality of the buildings hadn’t yet streamed in over the network. Using the manual cache can help with this problem but a high quality cache can use a lot of disk space.
Very simple: If the area has no photogrammetry, then autogen is displayed. Photogrammetry is only available in certain areas and not everywhere.
It’s almost as if photogrammetry is considered terrain, being as the terrain LOD affects the quality of it. In my opinion buildings do not fit with the definition of terrain. I think of terrain as being the physical formation of the land itself. I wouldn’t even include trees or buildings as part of it.
Flying over NYC, I wouldn’t say, “boy that’s some rough terrain down there!”
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