Test VR- DLSS Ultra/Hi-End and TAA Ultra - FS2024 vs FS2020

Today I ran some VR comparison between FS2024 and FS2020, using DLSS Ultra, DLSS Hi-End, TAA. To be crystal clear, this is not a “best setting” video, it’s just a direct comparison between the two simulators.

Details: 13900KF, 4090, 64GB, HAGS on, Game Mode on. For DLSS, Frame Generation and Low Latency on. TAA, rendering at 100%.

For Ultra, all graphics settings are maxed out. Terrain and object detail: 200.
For Hi-End, I use the simulator preset.

My headset is a Pico 4 and it’s set to a resolution of 4468x4468 pixels per eye (19,963,024 total “pixels”, versus 8,294,400 pixels for a 4K screen).
The footage is shot in the headset, so the images are exactly what you see in VR.

DLSS Ultra
Here we see an (unexpected) clear advantage for FS2020, in terms of FPS. FS2024 remains fluid and perfectly usable, but the difference is really marked.

Minimal advantage for FS2020, compared to FS2024. Strangely, with this preset the difference is almost zero. Evidently some options have a big impact, moving from Hi-End to Ultra.

TAA Ultra
Not usable, slight advantage for FS2020 in terms of FPS. Too heavy to fly, nothing more to say.

I do not understand why the DLLS Ultra is so different, in terms of FPS, between 2024 and 2020. Probably I’ll have to look at the individual options. Sure, it remains flyable (given that flying with everything on Ultra doesn’t even make much sense), but… that’s for a 4090.

Memory considerations: on FS2024 the peak values ​​are Ultra 41.57 GB, Hi-End 32.65 GB, TAA 39.61 GB; on FS 2024 the peak values ​​are Ultra 27.03 GB, Hi-End 33.00 GB, TAA 33.20 GB. It’s clear how, with FS2024, VR consistently exceeds the 32 GB RAM threshold - for systems with this limit, resorting to virtual memory is inevitable.


Why are you so surprised? Just about everyone is reporting worse VR performance in 24.


Well, first because that’s a big difference with DLSS Ultra, second because it remains perfectly flyable in 2024, even with those FPS is smooth.

Its that :+1: seen it to and its good to test. I stick to TAA now at lower res. Memory usage is going up to 40. sim runs at 30/35 but its so smooth amd stutterfree :tada:

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My VR test:

TAA in FS20, HP G2 60Hz (not smooth in 90Hz), 4ut0Fps (set 60fps), (62 limited fps in NvidiaCP), 1Gb symmetrical fibre speed, in Toolkit only (Fov quality/wide), TAA, 100% resolution ( only in FS20 settings), 4090, 13900k/9800X3D= VR dream, smooth, ultra clear and almost not stutters most the time.

TAA in FS24 (and overall for me still)= enormous pile of pöö, unusable.

There is not a so big step possible backward affordable in VR for me (in a Simulator + VR HMD + hardware + software etc.), like from FS20 to FS24, when I go from FS24 to FS20, FS20 is wonderful, marvellous, a dream, and the best for VR and many many other reasons compared with FS24, miles and miles away.

FS24 time will tell, sure they will be there in the future, I hope…, and a near future…

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You also have to consider that now FS2020 servers are for sure not very crowded, and this helps a lot the experiene. FS2024 - the exact contrary.

Regarding servers, in the past official announcements Jorg said that already they are solved…, and there are more problems than servers.

that’s debatable given current state of FS24 :slight_smile:

Maybe the servers are working as the should now, but at what cost? Has textures etc been culled for the sake of bandwidth capacity?

Maybe, I have that doubts about it also.

There was another post regarding visual artifacts - Flashes of light or a “row” of multicolor light flashes across the VR view. I noticed this when using TAA but did NOT notice it using DLSS. I am have the HP Reverb G2 with a RTX 3090.