Hey there, I was working on a an Airport and this texture Glitch appeared. Those white texture wont go away unless I turn done the Path Width to 0, which gives me an Error. If I increase the Width, the Textures re-appeare and become bigger. I tried alot of things. anyhelp pleeease? I am stuck now.
As you can see, I used the Apron and Paintedline features as a base and a no draw taxiline above. Any priorities setting dont change anything. If I select all linked path and hide them, the glitch goes with them. but does that rule apply to the finished product when packaged and loaded into the sim?
all the best, Mo
I am not sure which parts of the screenshot are you refering to, but I worked on a freeware airport enhancement a year back and from that i remember, there should be an attribute for drawing the surface in the taxipath object, don’t remember the exact name, draw surface or something similar. You can turn that off if you want to manage the surface material, width etc yourself.
By default when you add taxi points and taxi paths, it will draw the surface details like centre line, edge line etc. these things are customisable and you can alter each aspect. If you stick to the default surface drawing, I believe you can change the surface type and provide a custom texture also. And you already have seen that the width is also customisable. But if you do that the. Corners and etc will be uniform width which may not look right, plus it may draw over the aprons which if the apron has defferent texture, may look wrong.
In my case I did not use default drawing of taxiway surface but rather used custom apron objects for all surfaces.
hey, thx for your feedback. i did it the same way. its my third enhancement and this is the first time its shows up. i am refering to those white spikes…
Here i have another picture. if i hide all taxiway path, it goes away. Same, if i would delete the painted line on top of my aprons. taxiway has been selected with no draw. It seems that the taxiway on top of my my painted line gives me an error. any suggestions?
okay, apparently i have to simplify this and not place taxiline over painted lines at or after a cross section. maybe a bug…