The terrain/weather radar available to everybody now, with the latest 1.0.19 build…
1.0.19 (30 August 2024)
- ADDED - Weather radar functionality (MSFS-native and Active Sky for P3D)
- ADDED - Terrain radar functionality (MSFS only)
- ADDED - WXR test pattern behavior (both sims)
- ADDED - TERR test pattern behavior (both sims)
- ADDED - Export variables for fuel readout displays
- ADDED - Default altimeter not reflecting in-aircraft setting
- ADDED - Altimeter variable exports
- ADDED - RemoteCDU support
- FIXED - Pax load selector being allowed to select invalid numbers
- FIXED - Engine ignition does not turn off after shutdown
- FIXED - CPDLC not accepting digits in station name
- FIXED - RETRACT SPD BRK appearing during derotation
- FIXED - NEXT WPT on LAT REV not working properly
- FIXED - Excessive flap drag
- FIXED - SEC PROGRESS title appearing incorrectly
- FIXED - V1 showing in white erroneously
- FIXED - PFD FMS SPD mismatch on ground
- FIXED - Activating PROF does not activate FMS SPD
- FIXED - Pushing/pulling the HDG knob deselecting PROF
- FIXED - VORDMEs being displayed as DMEs
- FIXED - AUTOLAND status not resetting after landing
- FIXED - WXR button mechanical behavior
- FIXED - GPU sound origin (MSFS)
- FIXED - Flap sound (MSFS)
- FIXED - APU sound (MSFS)
- FIXED - Thrust reverser sounds not properly transitioning (MSFS)
- FIXED - TCAS showing too much traffic in N mode
- FIXED - Some cockpit ambience sounds are now only audible in the cockpit (MSFS)
- CHANGED - Seatbelt sign and no smoking sign now write to the default simulator values