When the TFRP is connected directly in the Quadrant RJ12 as specified by TM, it works fine in the W10 Control Panel and the two peripherals are seen as only one, aside from the stick.
Alas, MSFS 2020 doesn’t agree and is unable to find and use the TFRP. To get the TFRP back within the peripherals detected in the game, I must connect it through the usb-RJ12 adapter provided, thus using one more usb port. Three ports, it’s becoming usb consuming…
My question is :
Did anybody face this problem and was able to solve it?
idem, même problème
Support Thrustmaster silencieux sur ce sujet.
Pas sérieux pour un fabricant avec une telle réputation.
Wait and see…
Sorry but I’ll answer in english, this is the official forum language…
This is a long story.
TM has answered to my first mail describing my problem as above. Since it’s in french, I’ll sum up : You have to use TARGET, create a profile (empty or not) and run it before launching MSFS. TARGET creates a virtual device labelled “Thrustmaster combined” which is added in the W10 control panel but as a standard device, I mean a simple joystick with two buttons… After launching MSFS, you get in the Options-Commands folder this device, apart from the keyboard and mouse.But it is completely empty, no key assignment and no axe declared. TM assume this state of fact and asks me to fully parameter this device from A to Z since this “Thrustmaster combined” is completely unknown from MSFS, being a virtual device.
Bad start, I found…
The worst is now that the game displays as devices the TCA pilot stick, the TCA Quadrant and no TFRP. -
Another mail to TM, answer is I shouldn’t see the stick and the quadrant, only the “Thrustmaster combined” as it is supposed to be a virtual mix of the three physical devices. They suppose I’ve got a problem with my Windows Store and asks me to reset with a WSReset command.
Maybe it will work, maybe not, but I got really angry since I don’t see the whys and the hows…
Finally, I disconnected my TFRP from the quadrant and plugged it separetely in a usb port, MSFS displays one folder for the stick, one for the quadrant and one for the TFRP. Plus a stupid empty folder for the unknown “Thrustmaster combined” created by TARGET which I’m totally unable and not very ready to program. Since no axe or buttons are declared with this gimmick, I can’ find a way to build a full config within the game. And I consider it’s not my job, but I’m surely a lazy guy.
TARGET creates this thing but forgets to build/link inside every properties of the physical devices it is due to emulate.
So, whether I’m doing wrong somewhere, whether TARGET is not doing what it should.
And if someboby can explain to me how te W10 Store is involved in this mess, you’re welcome!
My last advice : Use TARGET only if it is unavoidable and if you’re not pleased with the buttons assignments natively built in MSFS.
I have exactly the same problem, I have the TFRP Rudder working ok directly plugged into a USB port. But when I plug it into the TCA Quadrant nothing happens, it has no effect. I’ll try what you mentioned.
One last bit of advice : When you click on RUN to compile your profile from within TARGET, you get this log window:
It usually takes about 10sec on my pc to complete before displaying “main returned 0”
If this process is quite instantaneous, something went amiss and MSFS will not display any of your TM devices except the useless combined gimmick
I only found this way to “reset” TARGET in this case, by fully shutdowning my computer, wait a few minutes and restarting… Can’t explain why and how, but it works.
IT and Middle-Aged witchery are really good friends!
Hello, mon anglais étant très vieux je reprends en français.
Ils sont gentils chez Trusmaster, l’aide en ligne m’ayant aidé pour créer le combiné.
Maintenant j’ai sous FS2020 j’ai le stick et le combiné (TCA+Pedals).
MAIS (BUT in english !) maintenant, avec les mises à jour j’ai :
- Le gouvernail arrière de côté en vol rectiligne, d’où franchement un vol bizarre (compensé par le PA) ;
- Un crash dans les manoeuvres de descente et d’atterrisage systématiquement lors des phases en sortir de pilotage automatique.
Donc franchement la programmation pour faire fonctionner les joystick Trusmaster est : - Compliquée ;
- Non efficiente.
Ce serait à refaire je n’achèterais pas et attendrais le hony comb !
I ignored the Target. Just plugged TFRP directly into the Quadrant.
Had to restart MSFS and found the Quadrant in Options …
The Rudder petals show up and have to be assigned. The last sensitivity curve is for the rudder.
All is working ok now as expected. (through the 1 Quad device)