To All:
Please do not use any “AI” on this forum per the Code of Conduct:
Improve the Discussion
We recognize that our forums are an official place for feedback on Microsoft Flight Simulator, whether it is positive, neutral, or negative. Help us make this a great place for discussion by always adding something constructive to the discussion, whether big or small. We do not remove posts for being negative; however, we do remove posts that are toxic or non-constructive (click here for specific examples on how to improve the discussion). Non-constructive posts do not add to the community and include but are not limited to:
- Being intentionally disruptive
- Derailing threads
- Creating threads for the sole purpose of promoting other threads or enticing users to vote on specific issues or wishlist items
- Creating posts or threads intended to cause unrest in the forums
- Bumping threads (except occasional reminders in Multiplayer events)
- Discussions that deviate from Microsoft Flight Simulator
- Posting memes that break any of the other rules addressed in the Code of Conduct
- Off-topic posts
- Spamming
- Using AI to generate spam-like posts
If a member is found to have participated in such actions, it may result in any of the following actions:
- Be asked to remove the content from their post
- Receive a formal warning; or,
- Be banned from the forums for a length of time based on the severity of the infraction up to, and including, indefinitely
Please stay “on-topic”. If you suspect any user using “AI”, please direct message moderators. Thank you!