Thanks ASOBO! My workaround to enjoy flying after the latest patch

Cool, I can now run the sim at ultra and have 50fps and more.
Thanks for cutting down the grafics to FS9/FSX standard.
No one needs the impressive water from release version or the amount of trees.
Realy nice to see how the nature let the trees growing fast in front of me.
It’s good to have Japan now, we don’t need correct working default aircrafts at the moment.
Maybe I have a little critic about the maps in around 60% of the world.
Here some screenshots taken in ultra:
first two Sitka/pacific fjords region, next two Austria/Zeltweg/Villach region (I know a lot more…)
seems I have the gift to find the right places…

Now my workaround:
starting P3d and enjoy flying

If this sim is cutting down to match xbox specs we can forget it.
ASOBO, please don’t go this way.
I’m out for the next don’t know how much updates now.
Realy frustrating.


You must be joking, right?
Those upper pics are not ultra or you have something seriously wrong with your game or computer…

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no joke. go to Sitka or LOXZ, LOWK, fly around and try yourself.
My PC is high end (Core i7@4,8ghz, 2080 ti all custom watercooled) 500mbit internet.
Handcrafted places look good as they should.

Sitka… And this is not even ultra now…

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heading a little bit north northeast, set sim to ultra and look if anything changes


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no joke fly in bella bella same ugly maountains just green no textures

Yes, they are low, I am at high and tons better than that in every respect.
Ok, maybe not low. But there is a setting issue there somewhere. The game is nothing like that with high settings or close.

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And even if high, I can’t say that the P3D looks any better

I just flew around Zeltweg and Klagenfurt and can confirm the findings. The tree drawing distance is a joke. Thatwas clearly dumbed down massively.

I can confirm Sitka too. Here are my pics and settings. Maybe C44M0 can show his settings or tell me where I’m wrong.

Due to internet. I have crappy internet and on a good day it is beautiful and on a bad day looks as the OP’s pictures.

delete your rolling cache file if you use it… my textures were terrible and the sim was stuttering after the 1.8 update and deleting this ( in my case 30GB) file resolved it.

Check your teredo to see if its blocked, everyone seems to bypass this fix. Go to your xbox network settings on windows and run the test. If its blocked which it looks like it is the game is not downloading or streaming any textures


Just FYI, different teams work on scenery and aircraft. It’s a totally different skillset.