Thanks Asobo, this turbulence is absolutely spot on!

Also glider pilot here, and yes the wind gusts are superb now.


I also tested gliders and it feels really good. The gusts are really complex in this sim. I have tested them much with plotting graphs of the winds that is occuring and the thing that i found most realistic is that they decreases in frequency while we are flying in less groundspeed because then we encounter fewer gusts right?

Okay, so how do you know it’s windy when the plane is still cold, and dark? The prop turns by itself. BIAR is reporting:

BIAR 242000Z 19026G46KT 160V230 9999 SCT045 BKN052 18/10 Q0987

Currently graphing “AMBIENT WIND VELOCITY”. Here is a graph of 2 minutes of this weather, sat on the ramp at BIAR:

You can see between 50, and 65 seconds one of the biggest variations in wind speed over the shortest time. It takes 11-12 seconds to swing from 30kts to just over 41kts.

Thats simvar values you are showing. I’m also using that tool to test. It’s the best tool to show how the gusts/winds works. That graph in custom weather don’t work. And that is custom weather. Completely different thing. Can’t test live-weather in custom weather


I’d like to record a landing in this weather, but I don’t have GE installed currently, and I can’t seem to get Game Bar to record.

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Use OBS Studio.

I might as well re-install GE if I was going to install something new. :wink:

It’s a shame as the weather looks amazing here right now, and the Caravan had no problem with these winds, just very floaty on final.

Yes, i have realised many aircraft needs to get overhauled. The planes pre su10 is made for constant winds. Many are way too light. Feels like they have no mass at all.


Im in the Black Square Caravan. The main issue is just as I’m in ground effect, with 26kts at my 2 o’clock, it ramps to 40kts. :slightly_smiling_face:

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This is the perfect example of human perception of the effect, not the real data that is causing the effect, as I explained before. You see pilots having to do a lot of corrections and you conclude that wind must be changing a lot but data does not show this fact.


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Feel free to make you own sim derived graphs to back up your assertions, I guess.

Yep, gusts and turbulence are great now. Please leav3 as is, Asobo!


Remember that´s a cyclone graph not a regular gusty wind graph. An instant change of 10 kts in a cyclone does not mean that a breeze will also change the same way. The second graph is a strong wind one. There the changes are happening in 5 kts ranges every 5 to 10 seconds. This is closer to what we would have in game under strong gusty conditions.


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When you are plotting graphs after su10. Have you noticed that gusts are not fixed? I get different results of frequency mostly everytime i test. Sometime a bit more frequent and sometimes a bit less?

This is the first time for me with SU10, and I’ve only done it a few times before that, so I can’t gauge for sure. I’m not sure I’ve ver graphed anything other than live weather.

Hang on, I’ll switch to a weather preset, and then make the winds as close to what the METAR for BIAR was showing. I will then generate another 2 minute graph, and we can compare!

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But those weather stations that messure those is static at ground right? It’s completely different if the weather station should have moved around. Then a a small plane feel gusts more frequent because of less mass compared to an airliner that is much heavier.

I don’t have anything else to go by really. I’ll set the gusts to 6 every minute initially, based on the earlier up/down of around 10 seconds.

So immediately the first thing I see is there are no gentle curves. It’s a very angular graph.

Compare that to the smooth slopes you see in the earlier graph.

Let’s increase that to 18 per minute, the maximum.

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I think it’s bugged. When you decrease the gust frequency you get more frequency.

Then test the default 35. It has been the smoothest for me.

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Yes, and that´s indeed the current problem in game in my opinion. The controllability of heavies is not affected that much by gusts and therefore you see indeed a quite good turbulence effect simultation. But on a Cessna the tail is bouncing too much and too frequently, even on soft winds below 10 kts, which are still within the max capacity of that plane. Basically flying a Cessna on regular gusty conditions feels like flying on a cyclone.



But that’s how it is IRL too. Then maybe they need to adjust the mass of those smaller planes.

For example.

When flying Default A320 i feel much more frequent gusts than when i’m flying fenix A320. Fenix A320 i can really feel how heavy it is.

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