Thanks for delivering an arcade scenery flying product


What does that make P3D without payware? Pilot wings for game-boy?


I think that many, many long term flight simmers have been brainwashed into it being acceptable for a sim to require lots of paid addons to turn it into a real game. If RDR2 was $120 and then you had to buy each horse as a paid addon, scenery for Strawberry as a paid addon, each pistol a paid addon…you’d see it for the scam it was.


Will you buy unfinished car? Or TV set with, let say, few colors missing ?


Exactly my point.

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Go by certified simulator from Frasca, if you need something “not arcade”… People really thinking that a company that likes to make 60% gross profit from it’s products would build a software with target demographic of less than 100 million.


It has been over 10 years since I flown any small aircraft (only A320 now, and yes, that one is so so) so I can only judge from memory but what in your opinion is not realistic about the handling of the small aircraft?


The flight dynamics is all wrong. Even for small aircraft. After take off the airplane bounces off like a toy.

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Turbulence? Out of trim? Too large pitch inputs?

I did not experience what you are describing.


Like X-Plane and P3D or any other game-simulator…

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Pilot and developer… from PMDG…?

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There are professional simulator that are used in full motion simulator in real world. Comparing them would be so wrong. This is about what we have in consumer market. The only acceptable consumer product of FS2020 would be X-Plane,P3D,DCS. That’s about it. I do agree with you. We shouldn’t have expected this much. But they also did created all the hype & i would give them that. They have accomplished their work at that point very successfully. Created an arcade scenery simulator targetting people who likes eye candy stuff & ignores or doesn’t care at all about realism at all.


Sorry but I think you need to revisit your control setup. All the small GA Aircraft I have flown so far do not do what you have described!


Trust me i did. I even did a remote session with my friends. It’s not only me.

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No, just random freelance development, not PMDG.


ZIBO maybe … :wink:


thats a MOD created by a developer not xplane
and it’s in the name (ZIBO mod)


It more feels like a toy plane. It is hard to describe. Maybe it could also have something to do with the control inputs and i need to tune this some more, but like taking off , sometimes the planes goes suddenly down and then up and god knows what. Even with calm weather. Like i said, it feels a little bit nervous. But then again, it is simulation and not a real plane, maybe we should just accept that…


Maybe you didn’t assign an axis for the joystick inputs but assigned it to inputs meant for a keyboard instead. Also try without turbulence.

Also, don’t forget that real aircraft controls are far heavier. You can’t just wack the airplane around like you can with a hime joystick, even if you tried.

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i had issue with my joystick the sensitivity feel way to much i just played with it for some time and it feel good, and i did that thing where i assigned it to a input not axis then i fixed it

VKB gladiator mk2
with x52 throttle
had it for IL-2 and DCS but works fine with FS2020 (after tuning)

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Exactly ! You nailed it in the head !

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