i agree, soon we will have simmers boycotting el al flying into certain airports and this will never end. of course present the antonov along with so many other legends for what they are … aviation legends but please no ENOLA GAY
The Enola Gay would certainly be one of the most contentious choicees for an aviation legend … So far Asobo’s choice for legends always ended up in aircraft that were primarily developed for civilian use, and I think that’s the way it’ll remain.
That I would like to see, but I’m extremely sceptical after the Cargolifter debacle …
On the other hand if Ukraine manages to come out of this war a winner, I hope they will build a second one just as a symbol that they are back.
I don’t hold my breath for that happening. You will get the money from a kickstarter campaign before the Russians cough up any money. This isn’t 1918 or 1945 anymore. And no matter how this thing ends I can’t see anyone imposing war reparations on Russia in this day and age.
May be tricky the Antonov factories have also been bombed. There was a second backup air frame that was never completed as there was no need to build more than one, no idea where that is or if it was also destroyed.
I would even say realism wouldn’t be that important to me in this case. I would buy it just as a symbol. Provided the revenue goes straight to some fund helping Ukrainian war orphans or something similar.
Antonov got back to Asobo, the Antonov AN-2 is coming soon. Contract isn’t signed yet but in the works.
Jorg wanted to preserve the 225, talked to the art team about it and he said “I think we can make this work.” Revenue from this 225 in-game will be donated to Antonov to help remake the plane again.
I really like the idea about that but I guess it won’t be a “local legend” but another static aircraft to look at like the Orbis aircraft if it’s done just by Asobo.
Another story would be if they team up with Hans and other external devs to ensure it will be in flyable state.
I would love to see a flying model, done right! I think we’ll have to have MS / Asobo modify some code though, because at the moment doesn’t the sim only support four engines?
That’s right but they anyway wanna remove that limitation so it would go hand in hand with this (they also wanted to simulate the correct amount of engines/propellers on the Velocity) - in the meantime they also could just double the thrust on one engine on each wing or do some magic WASM stuff to add forces pushing the aircraft forward in the correct place
So there are workarounds available since FSX which also did not support more engines/propellers (basically it’s exact the same limitation as the code was ported).