The AN-225 should be the next Local Legend

First of all, I don’t think there are many other people who will jump on developing such a niche aircraft, so KUDOS to Microsoft and Jorg for wanting to do it. I definitely don’t want an Orbis “tour” model though. If they can make it flyable, I will be thankful. The notion of donating revenue to Antonov/Ukraine? Sign me up. I will do what I can to support it. Glory to Ukraine, Glory to Heroes, Russian Warship can continue staying at the destination it was sent and has, of course, arrived to.

I am very moved and proud of Jorg and Microsoft for taking this stance of support and preservation of a legend.


This was the top voted next local legend!

I’m very sure that they will be adding this as this is a symbol of Ukraine

My deepest condolences for the people who have lost their loved ones and I thank the people who died courageously for Ukraine.

While I completely support Ukraine and their independence, and would eventually love to see the Mriya in MSFS, I don’t think that it can be so easily constructed as a digital model. Do you think its gonna be easy to replicate all this (even at 50% fidelity) ?

If Concorde can be modelled anything can. It would be difficult though.

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The most likely candidates for such a thing will be Ukrainian developers, as aside from the controls and instruments in the aircraft itself being in Russian (it is a Soviet era aircraft after all) , all the engineering documentation and flight manuals will also be in either Russian or Ukrainian. Unfortunately any potential Ukrainian devs will likely have more important things to worry about for the foreseeable future.

The AN-225 is coming soon as a Local Legend! Confirmed in today’s Dev Q&A.


Confirmed(ish) dates of release are Feb 27 for PC and March 14 (estimated) for Xbox after the release of Sim Update 12 and WASM on Xbox! It looks great, huge props to Inibuilds and Asobo for this!

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iniBuilds no Twitter: “Exciting news! We are pleased to be working on the Antonov225 with Microsoft! More information to follow soon! We hope you’re excited :slight_smile:” / Twitter


cool plane. will it be freeware?

it will cost 20USD

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I believe Jorg said it will be payware ($19.95) with all the proceeds going to help restore the damaged 225.


Sadly the Xbox Simmer are again left behind. It will be at first only for PC Simmer coz of the lack of WASM for XBox :frowning:

If it’s IniBuilds let’s hope is done to the same level as the A310. That would be awesome

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It seemed to be even more detailed with more options, just take a look at the Developer Stream on Twitch from today to get a more detailed impression :wink:


well, look at it this way, the pc gamers can find the flaws and have them corrected before the xbox launch.

To clarify, we Xbox users are getting the AN-225 with the same features as PC, it’ll just be a couple of weeks later to ensure the WASM fix is integrated.

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As Jorg explained during the livestream, this was a difficult decision. We wanted to release the An-225 on the anniversary of the real plane’s destruction, which is in February. Unfortunately, WASM for Xbox won’t be available until Sim Update 12 which is currently scheduled for March. The team went back-and-forth on how to handle this and ultimately decided the best way to honor the memory of the An-225 was to release it on the anniversary.

Of course, we are not abandoning Xbox simmers. This plane will launch on Xbox as soon as WASM support is available with SU12.



I cannot wait. This should be quite amazing! I don’t expect high fidelity for this, but it will still be a nice tribute, so I am buying!