The Asobo/Microsoft VR TEAM

I’ve been pretty happy using a freeware passthrough concept called Color Panel:

Color Panel for VR Passthrough for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS

It provides a resizable window while using Virtual Desktop (which supports a chroma key passthrough concept) so that I can see my notes, my HOTAS, another window on the PC, etc. That windows can be closed up only showing an outline of the window and reopened. You start it from the toolbar. Last time I used it, it doesn’t remember the size and position so you do have to set that each time - maybe the author has changed that.

How many CPU cores does MSFS use? I have 28 of them - I could easily shunt MSFS to double digit cores that may not be used by other things.

Most have said 4 to 6 cores max

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Correct. Keep core 0 and 1 free for other stuff (FSLTL, Windows, VD, etc…)


I have no idea how many it can make use of. I’m using 6 for MSFS and 2 for everything else. I have hyperthreading disabled.

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Hello everybody.
I m using VR in msfs since a long time.
i mapped a key to open the toolbar in VR.
Since today, everythings works fine. Now it is impossible to see this toolsbar in VR.
In flat mod, evethings is good. When i press the mapped command in VR the navlog windows open.
can you help me ?

Maybe search for assigned commands by key press and press the key that you have assigned to open the “tab” menu. That will tell you if you have more than one command mapped to the same key.

By the way, you don’t necessarily need to have mapped other commands yourself, as MSFS does sometimes have the habit of doing it for you, whether you want it or not. :slight_smile:

If you are using dx12 it sometimes happens at the start of a new flight that the VR toolbar cannot be displayed. In that case go to the main menu and restart the flight, that usually fixes it.

Hello, thanks for your answer. In my case, the problem subsists.
The toolbar no longer worked in VR from today to tomorrow for no reason. Just one update from navigraph. i uninstalled navigraph, cleared the community folder, checked my disk (chkdsk) checked my system files (sfc /scannow), trying DX11,DX12, start restart, PC restart and restart again… if i reinstall navigraph and active it from toolbar menu in flat mod, navigraph run in VR mod. I checked the files from steam too. I’m looking for a way to repairing that.

My problem was due to a setting on my joystick which called the simple toolbar instead of the vr toolbar.
My joystick settings jumped probably because I reconnected it while starting flight simulator.
The problem was visible in the general options–>vr mode. The vr toolbar basc shortcut indiqued a question mark “?”.

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