The best VR rig for fall 2023?

Hello there, first post on the forum and looking to build my first rig since my days of FS9. It’s been a long time since I was in the world of FS…

I told myself that if I get back into MSFS, the only way I was doing it was if I could achieve a smooth VR experience. I’ve spent the last month questing through these forums and reddit to get an idea of what the best setup is, and I think the consensus on this board is:

GPU: 4090 (duh)
CPU: 7950x3d
RAM: 32gb (3200)
Reverb G2

The frustrating part about this exercise is the wild variability in reported FPS with similar setups. I’m seeing everything from 19fps to 65-75fps, and I’m not sure what is the most average fps users are getting with a similar setup recently.

Obviously there is a lot of variability on LOD settings and where you’re flying, but I’m trying to get a base case on where FPS is standing these days and what the trade-off is with quality. I also see through reading the forums that asobo seems to be optimizing VR fairly well since last winter when i see a lot of the posts on this subject.

I’m targeting a consistent 50ish fps around big airports with moderate traffic, and I’d like to fly the aerosoft CRJ and PMDG 737. Anybody with similar specs able to share what the quality and fps is looking like these days?

4090 + 12900 + G2 (now using Quest 3 + virtual Desktop), don’t fall for the BS’ers with their super fps. My stress test is live over London @ 1800ft and I get around 35 - 39 fps in the Cessna 172 classic, up to high 50’s else where (depending on photogrammetry). Don’t discount the Q3, I get almost zero stutters now, overall clarity is better and my setting have been pushed up.

I run a 4090 and the 5800x3d which works great, so a 7950x3D would be better still. With a rig like that though maybe consider a higher res VR headset if your budget allows. The Varjo Aero is now much more affordable and would beat the G2 by a wide margin for clarity, plus it has very good software to run it. I have a Pico 4 and the G2 and now a Pimax Crystal and the leap in the visual quality was worth every penny for me. As for FPS, I can’t really say, as I mainly fly GA aircraft, gliders and choppers often in rural settings. I very rarely fly airliners.

I must add though that FPS is not everything, as I limit mine to 45fps on the Crystal and when I was flying with the G2, even though I could get much higher FPS, I limited it to 30FPS with motion reprojection at 1/3 the headset’s refresh rate and enjoyed a really smooth experience, especially over photogrammetry areas.

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I have a 5800X3D, 4090, 32GB DDR4 and Reverb G2 and pull mostly 50-60 FPS with the mix of ultra/high/medium settings I use. Sometimes it drops into the 40s but that’s usually with a lot of AI and/or MP aircraft in close proximity when my system becomes CPU limited. A 7950X3D would do a bit better in such scenarios.

How are those frames around bigger airports with traffic + weather?

Here I am at KLAX, partly cloudy, about 5 MP and 26 AI aircraft, in the PMDG 737BBJ. You can see I am CPU limited because I am not GPU limited in the cockpit view so a 7XX0X3D, being 30% quicker than a 5800X3D, should pull those FPS up to around 50 at least.

nice! is that a fairly consistent ~40-44 fps? Does it drop into the 30s?

Not that I’ve noticed.