MSFS (2020) gave us the WORLD!
It was an evolutionary leap folks had been waiting for for decades!
The whole globe in detail, so you could fly with your eyes not just your instruments and know where you were and where you were going.
And then they made a massively multiplayer sandbox out of the whole globe!
And… I just don’t see how MS/Asobo can top that evolutionary leap with the sequel.
2024 could be SO much better than 2020 and STILL, nothing they show can compare to the WOW factor of showing us the freaking WORLD for 2020.
Anyway, looking back through all versions of MSFS, back to the days of DOS, we have had a handful of HUGE evolutionary releases, and then many, many sequels that offered incremental improvements.
And often enough, it is the incremental sequels that are the best flight sims… even though they weren’t always the most exciting upon announcement.
Now we have the world, MS/Asobo can work on the smaller things. And really, one or two smaller things aren’t that big of a deal… but thousands of them can combine to make a remarkable sequel built upon the base, the WORLD, that was 2020.
Populating the world with things to do could vastly change how people enjoy MSFS. It could make the world look more alive and populated. And it could keep people coming back.
Forza Horizon has really nailed this already, and I suspect we could see those types of live activities move into the MSFS world. In FH you are surrounded by other people doing things in the shared world… but you can always just set a destination and drive there. Cruising from point A to point B is still very much a part of the game, but it is no longer the ONLY thing players can do in the shared, open world.
And if you don’t want to see everyone else, you can just turn them off and drive from point A to B to your heart’s content like you own the world.
I hope in a few years, we all look back and laugh at how much fun we made for ourselves in a global sandbox when all we could do was fly from point A to point B.
The world, the amazing world we got in 2020 could be so much more alive if filled with people doing jobs. Building things. Racing. Fighting fires.
We will never be as impressed by news of 2024, when 2020 gave us the freaking world, but we really might look back at 2024 as the better sim simply because it offered us things to do all over that whole freaking world.