Bush Divers would like to invite all to join us this weekend for the first part of the Bush Divers Invitational - Mission For Munbil
In partnership with MissionaryBushPilot, Bush Divers will be hosting a two weekend fund-raising event. The purpose of this fund-raiser is to purchase and install a solar panel array at Munbil, PNG for their currently under-construction community building. Our fund-raising goal for this event is 1500 USD. Please pitch in if you can, everyone who donates will be entered into a giveaway with multiple prizes.
The Giveaways: Bush Divers will continue in the tradition of having a giveaway, open to all attendees, during each weekend event. In addition, all those who donate to the cause will be entered into a giveaway with a total of 5 prizes available.
Server: South-East Asia
Required Mods:
Mesh Repair by Wantok
AYMH by HaveDoughnut
PNG Bush Strip Pack by Milosanx
AYGA Goroka by FPASC52
AYWP Wanikipa by DonAlexander71
Special considerations:
-Bring the turboprop aircraft of your choice, ideally this trip is suited for the C208B, but a BN-2 or TBM-930 may work as well.
-Check to see if the aircraft of your choice has a livery made by our own aeroplane artiste, SixPackPilot. Flightsim.to » Profile of SixPackPilot
-AYGA offers a few ramp parking spots, upon loading in, proceed to start up and line up for takeoff on RWY 35R.
-Live Weather, is currently forecast to be a bit rainy. We will monitor this as the weekend approaches, but as always the weather will be at pilot’s discretion. Local time will be 0900.
-Bush Divers also encourages the use of Volanta, a great flight tracking tool which Bush Divers have been using for months: Get Volanta
-Those interested in participating in voice comms can join us in the Bush Divers Discord event voice comms channel.
-We would appreciate your patience during this fly-in. The 1900 UTC (and 0400 UTC) start time will not be a hard constraint, we may hold at departure for up to 5 minutes. Our goal is not to leave anyone too far behind. So take it easy, get you a drink, and enjoy the trip!
We hope you can make it!
For more Bush Divers stuff, check out our Discord or our website.
Additional files:
MSFS Flight Plan: BDI - Mission For Munbil pt 1.pln (10.2 KB)
MSFS Flight Plan for Xbox: BDI - Mission For Munbil pt 1 XBOX.pln (2.9 KB)
(Do note that the Xbox flight plan only covers the stops for this trip, it should give you a general idea of where we are heading, but it will not follow the valleys directly, so keep an eye on the pack!)
LittleNavMap Flight Plan: BDI - Mission For Munbil pt 1.lnmpln (8.0 KB)