The Bush Divers Invitational: Puerto Rico - Saturday February 3rd 20:00 UTC

This Saturday we will be visiting the island of Puerto Rico, taking advantage of the recent World Update XVI: Caribbean. We will be starting out in the south-west of the island visiting the Los Morillos lighthouse, then continue north along the coast and start our way inland along a tight river valley to a challenging airstrip near Adjuntas. On our way to the northern coast we will pass over the Arecibo Observatory. We will have a look at the old forts that used to protect San Juan harbour and end our flight on the east coast. Bring your favourite STOL plane and meet us at PR25.

5 landings in total (+ optional landing at one of the San Juan airports), 154 nm.
Highest point will be at the dizzying altitude of 2,000 feet, so - apart from gliders - any STOL/VTOL aircraft will do.

The Bush Divers Invitational - Puerto Rico
Server : South East Asia
Sat. 3 February - 20:00 UTC / 2024-02-03T20:00:00Z local time
Starting at PR25
Recommended cruise speed: 120 knots
To join: just turn up at the starting airport in a suitable aircraft, MSFS multiplayer on, name tags on, and join the Discord “The Bush Divers Invitational” voice channel. You can load the flight plan if you like, or just follow the group.

To join our Discord: Bush Divers

BDI - Puerto Rico - Sat. Feb.3 2024.pln (20.1 KB)
BDI - Puerto Rico - Sat. Feb.3 2024.lnmpln (15.9 KB)

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