The Cockpit & Beyond: Inside Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Aircraft [Cinematic Video]

Good Evening,

A new MSFS 2024 cinematic has gone live on my channel. Been wanting to do this kind of video for a while and finally got round to it. I have a kind of part two of this video in the works, exploring outside the aircraft.
I just wanted to showcase the details of some of the aircraft in the sim, I hope I achieved this in the video.

As always if you do enjoy it give a big like, comment and please consider subscribing to my channel.

Thank you
Practically Geek


Very nice! It really highlights the incredible detail and realism of the models and textures in 2024.

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Thank you so much for watching, I really wanted to wait and include the Fenix A320 but I think that will get a cinematic video of it’s own alongside the iniBuilds A350 when that arrives.

Beautiful video, but curious, how did you manage to make the cinematics just the scenes? I saw that there are no tutorials and with the drone no scene works

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