Thank you for the reply! Yes, I have both the Jonker and the 2C, great planes. But, the one I am speaking of is the one that I got from Touching Cloud, the DG808s. This one, is listed as “other” in MSFS and no tow planes are an option (KA the only way). Do you have this plane as well?
Also, how did you get more than one tow plane option for the Jonker?
EDIT - I figured out how to edit the airplane config files to allow more options for tow. Very cool! I found the SR22 to be a great option as well!
Now, just need to see if there is a way to also edit the flying ALT so give more options if I wanted more than 3k feet. That would be cool too!
This was great info! Okay, with your help I was able to get rid of the Pilot on by default! Nice! Do you know where I can find the mod for the tow plane? I attempted to search for it and did not find anything.
Would you happen to know how to get the other livery’s for this DG808S? On the Touch Cloud side, when you download the plane you can see screen shots of the white with red trim and looks amazing, but then when you download you just have the plain white, or all black or others that are not very true to life IMO. Wondering how to get the other liveries. The glider is so nice.
EDIT - I found the mod for the tow plane… now just need to track down the other liveries for the touchingcloud-dg808s…
LOVE that mod! So good. Tho, for the first time last night the map section of the computer went blank. I tried to power cycle the plane, but could not get it back?
I have another question… I noticed there is no canopy open sound on this DG808s. It feels weird after a long flight to land, and park then turn off the glider and open the canopy as the last thing and have no sound
I am wondering, is it possible to copy the sound files from one of the other gliders and place in the sound folder on this plane and then some how add this? THAT would be great! Same thing for the tow release in this plane, there is no sound for that.
My opinion is, that these Funktions should be in an update for the plane itself. I don’t want the LXN update because I don’t need these things and in addition the letters are two small to see in my VR glasses. So I don’t have installed the LXN update. But because of the missing winch and towplane support I don’t fly the DG.
What a pity.
Regards Ralf
Yes, the same with me. But I didn’t set a extra profile for it too. Every first time I handle it goes in the wrong direction. But you get used to it.
Mostly I fly the Discus FES. Especially in unfamiliar territory.
There is a stand-a-lone mod for the DG on Flightsim, so that it will support the standard tow and winch launch. You don’t have to do the computer mod to get that.
What is that discord link again? I tried to join, but said it was invalid. Interested in maybe setting up a multiplayer glider experience and sharing some great spots I have found!