The Fenix Airbus windshield wiper sound

Greetings pilots,

As great as the animated windshield wipers are (with the first animated water drops in the history of this sim!) - but I absolutely hate this over the top loud rattling sound…louder than both turbines the windshield wipers are :smiley:

The plan is to grab some nice windshield wiper sound from YouTube, convert it to .mp3 file and insert it somewhere.

But I have never made a sound mod in Flight Sim 20, does anyone know where in the Fenix folder that windshield wiper rattling sound is hidden, and how it can be either made very silent and unabtrusive, or exchanged for a high quality and pleasent Mercedes or Audi wiping sound?

Thanks in advance for your tips :slight_smile:

Well there are no mp3 files to change. But an XML file.

	<Sound WwiseData="true" WwiseEvent="Electrics_WiperSpeed" ViewPoint="Inside" NodeName="Fuselage_Wiper_L">
		<Range LowerBound="1.0" UpperBound="200.0"/>
		<WwiseRTPC LocalVar="A320_Wiper_Left" RTPCName="VAR_A320_Wiper" RTPCAttackTime="0.15" RTPCReleaseTime="0.15"/>
		<WwiseRTPC LocalVar="S_MISC_WIPER_CAPT" RTPCName="VAR_S_MISC_WIPER" RTPCAttackTime="0.15" RTPCReleaseTime="0.15"/>
	<Sound WwiseData="true" WwiseEvent="Electrics_WiperSpeed" ViewPoint="Inside" NodeName="Fuselage_Wiper_R">
		<Range LowerBound="1.0" UpperBound="200.0"/>
		<WwiseRTPC LocalVar="A320_Wiper_Right" RTPCName="VAR_A320_Wiper" RTPCAttackTime="0.15" RTPCReleaseTime="0.15"/>
		<WwiseRTPC LocalVar="S_MISC_WIPER_FO" RTPCName="VAR_S_MISC_WIPER" RTPCAttackTime="0.15" RTPCReleaseTime="0.15"/>

Is any of these values the volume of the windshield wipers?

MSFS soundbanks are compiled PCK files generated by WWise. You cannot manually edit them in any simple way. Someone would need to make a sound pack.

Look what I have found:


Allright these windshield wipers are 100% real.
I thought for some time the wiper sound is way over the top and too loud, but probably the actuating motors are right under that glareshield inside the cockpit… That´s why the windshield wipers can be clearly heard over the inside the cockpit not so loud turbine sounds.

I am not going to touch these sounds because they are absolute realistic :slight_smile:

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