The game is already running!

Microsoft Store version

Had the game running perfectly on my PC for a few months.

Now I briefly get a black screen - then a pop up box saying “the game is already running!”

Not made any changes to my setup, nothing in the community folder. Tried all the usual tricks … but still stuck :frowning:
I have tried to reinstall but nothing seems to happen

Any suggestions ?

Steam of MS Store version? First If you are on MS Store, I would restart, try to repair option on the properties.

When you say you couldnt reinstall did you try to unistall it first? In your case I would unistall and manually remove any MSFS directory/file from your system before any attempt to reinstall

Its the Store version
I tried the repair and uninstall…

Will search around and manually delete everything and start again,

See with task manager is there’s still an instance of MSFS running in the background. When not properly exited, this can happen.

thanks - checked Task Manager and it is not running in the background
will try and delete everything and try again … then reinstall AGAIN

It is great when it is running…

To save time, move the “Packages” directory to a different location and move it back in place after re-installing. It saves you re-downloading 120GB

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Still not getting anywhere … tried lots of suggestions

I get a black screen version … then a box “The game is already running!” thats it, then nothing.

I have spent longer trying to get this Sim to run than actually playing it.
It was working perfectly a few weeks ago as well.

Will try again in a few months

so… had to re-install Windows and download the whole thing again, now working at last

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