The Great Big P-40 Thread

Another possibility could be, that it was a field modification and was fitted after they left the factory. I’m a P-40 enthusiast, but by no mean an expert =)

Btw I really like this topic and am looking forward to seeing the opinions on the 3 MSFS P-40s.

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I do believe it was and I’m glad to have so many others to talk about the P-40 with. I’m a fanboy of this plane. I even have a flaps and landing gear gauge pulled from an actual P-40B sitting on my side table🤓


That would make a lot of sense.

I also feel like Big Radials isn’t necessarily about being 100% authentic but more about the fun and experience. All three of their planes have some inaccuracies but are some of the most fun planes to fly in the sim.



That’s awesome! I always loved that instrument =) I’ve got a bit of scrap metal of the Bf-109 Red 7 from its landing accident from 2005 in my bookshelf, it was the first warbird I saw flying and started my passion for them.

I’m sure you are familiar with Dave Hadfield’s and Kermit Weeks videos on the P-40? If not, they are definitely worth checking out!

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I love the fact that there is stuff floating around out there that we aviation geeks can get ahold of!! Especially now that many of these old warbirds and bombers are in museums and what’s left out there is used for restoration.


I agree =) But I’m also happy to see new restoration projects, it’s always special to see a piston powered warbird in the air.

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Since we’re talking about the P-40 and I just happen to rewatch this, here’s a very thorough introduction to the P-40 including how important it was, overshadowed by other, higher performing planes though it may be.

There’s a part 2 as well:

Part 2

Curtiss P-40, Part 2 | Why This "Mediocre" WW2 Fighter Was So Important - YouTube

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That’s a great vid, I think people under rate it still sadly

I was thinking of setting up an all P-40 flight! It would be nice to know who has what so we could all see each other and take some AWESOME screenshots! Was thinking of maybe Pearl Harbor or around the Olympic mountains in Washington maybe the Austrian Alps!? I don’t know when everyone flys but this would be great to invite anyone we know who has a P-40 of any variant to join in as well.


Great Idea! Another good place to explore would be New Zealand, especially after the next update. New Zealand is home to two of the leading P-40 restoration shops.

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YESSSSS Let’s do this people!!!


…nice idea but you know everyone will have to own all variants (and any extra liveries) in order to see each other :wink:

Yes I understand that that’s why I started with trying to have all the same

If we don’t we don’t but it will still be great

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Sounds like great fun! I’ll need to solve my internet issues though. Right now the sim switches me to offline mode at the drop of a hat - I barely get two minutes straight before that happens. So I suppose trying to join y’all could be frustrating for everyone.

How well does the sim handle a bad ping, in case I can reduce the problem to only that?

I own the Big Radials P-40B. If Flying Irons makes one, or if another really excellent model gets published, I’m sure to get that as well. But until then it’s the P-40B.

I have a Discord set up for in flight coms and flight coordination if interested

I have two of the three P-40s, iniBuilds and Big Radials, it’s definitely a mixed bag.

The Big Radials P-40B, personally looks a bit cartoon like. It just doesn’t hold up to some of the other aircraft we now have in the sim. Also the liveries have a number of inaccuracies. I understand with the Tuskegee airmen depicted aircraft they didn’t want a pilot of non colour to fly it, I understand that, however they must be a solution better than, let’s just not have a pilot in the aircraft. It’s been out a while now but it still doesn’t feel complete. I do however like the flight model and the sounds are quite good, though there is a noticeable looping.

The iniBuilds P-40F looks fantastic. I do feel the weathering is way overdone on the restored examples, however overall it looks great. I don’t think the sounds quite have the depth the Merlin 500 should but they certainly aren’t bad. The flight model feels very twitchy in pitch I can’t imagine that’s too accurate. Again it doesn’t feel amazingly complete but iniBuilds have said they will release several updates to the aircraft so hopefully it’ll end up somewhat better. It’s also not bad at all for the price of the add-on.

I absolutely love the P-40 series and have been very fortunate that the Fighter Collection based at IWM Duxford have had nearly all variants of the P-40 and earlier P-36 and Hawk 75 aircraft. I’m glad it’s been represented so well in the sim! And particularly glad it has so far, all been different variants.


This is not necessarily going to hold true for you as well, but I found that ambient occlusion makes a huge difference especially in this regard. Earlier I had either medium or high setting. Once I turned that up to ultra the P-40B changed from looking quite cartoonish to looking extremely good. If you haven’t tried that it may well be worth giving it a shot.

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