So, I caved and bought the IndiaFoxTecho F-35 Lightning II pack on Xbox.
I’m…mixed on it.
Admittedly, starting from Cold & Dark is pretty…cool. Different enough from your typical C&D, yet I actually had to watch a tutorial in how to do it. I don’t like to do it the lazy way and hit the auto-start (so much so that I completely unmapped it from my HOTAS One).
The Hover Mode feels like it could use some work. Not as godawful as the Pelican, but maybe I was expecting it to hover like a helicopter. It’s still pretty enjoyable, though.
Lastly, the Afterburner audio sounds too…artificial. Should it not be like the F-18? “Quiet in the front, party in the back”? Love flying the Darkstar and F-18 because of that afterburner “BOOM” when swinging the external camera around.
The F-35 doesn’t do that and it’s afterburner is extremely loud.
The flight model does feel a bit stiff as well.
Other than that, the interior is nice and easy to navigate, love the touchscreen, and overall, it’s my 3rd payware plane and most expensive I’ve bought thus far.
Side note: Other players aren’t showing up despite apparently using the F-35 as well. I was using the B model, the pack comes with A, B and C models. Do they have to be flying the exact variant for them to show?
In closing, not a horrible deal, worth $30 but does still need some updates, in my opinion.
Would like to see an improvement in the sound pack especially when seeing another flying around near me like the stock F18 you know when one is around the airfield.
Saw a F35B at RIAT Saturday and the thing is super loud especially while in the Hover.
Also the 3.5g limit is annoying its a fighter not a A400M
Got anything for unshackling the FCS so the fighter doesn’t have the turning circle of an airliner?
Still trying to find a way around the docile control laws and to turn off that G-limiter.
It doesn’t feel like I’m flying, rather that I’m negotiating with an autopilot into agreeing to go in the direction I want to fly.
If there were a way to transition from the ‘training’ control laws to a more agile, risky combat model-- I’d map it to the ejection seat safety. Set the seat to Safe, you fly with the training wheels on. But, when you arm the seat you’re telling the plane you’re ready to take risks, so unshackle those control laws!
Yeah the sound is terrible in multiplayer sounds like a car just flew past and not a jet flighter surely they can just use the sound from the FA18 for multiplayer?
Well to be honest, I think it sucks. I work hard for what I have and I caught a PC, (not labeled as such), review. Imagine my shock when I went to enjoy the many “features”.
No TFLIR, no true night flying. No map. I mens come on. Radar changes range….for what? No map, no radar.
What kills me is IFT on Facebook fight with people over this. If it’s not up to par don’t release it. Too many of these companies are doing this now, I at least have basic FLIR in the F-16, hell even in the fake Halo craft.
Well, imo you’re being very hard on them. They did a good job, especially for the price. DC/SC Designs aircraft are 40 euros minimum and i wouldn’t say they did better than this (though the F-16 from SC Designs is my favourite aircraft in the game so far).
I don’t like the F-35 that much but i have to say, it’s growing on me slowly. It’s really fun to fly and i can say it’s FAR better than most of the paywares i’ve tried so far. They did update it quite a lot over the last months so they’re working on it. At least it’s not a scam and they’re trying to do a proper rendition (even though we don’t know much about its capabilities)
PS: I’m using the A version but i’ve seen you guys talking about G limitation ? I don’t have such things on the A. I can reach 11G if i push it and i’m often around 9G. Unless we’re talking about something different
Sorry, I already posted this complaint in the official discussion but also wanted to post here to see if anyone else is having an issue with the F-35 where it wants to veer off to one side while taxiing and taking off.