The new L'arc de Triomphe

I agree that it can be improved. But the fact that someone with a tag Tech Alpha Insider is struggling to download an update is… yeah.


That’s because there are no updates. Unless you install the new content. From that point onwards existing installations may be updated.

And do not forget to verify your “Bing Data” settings: photogrammetry (“Bing Data”) needs to be enabled (upgrades tend to mess around with existing settings at times…).


That should tell you something about the complexity of the update procedure. :rofl:

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Let’s stay on topic please :wink:

Just posted around this test video (need work around compression):

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When there should be ONE.

If you had any reading comprehension, you’d see that it’s not about the number of steps as it is about the nature of WHERE information can be found. Ideally, a person shouldn’t have to need instructions for something like this… If it’s intuitive, the person wouldnt have to use a checklist of “4 steps” located on a forum in order to download part of an update… Nice try though.

I put “4 steps” in quotes because those “4 steps” have steps inside of them. It’s like when a professor says an exam is “only 4 questions” but then each of the four questions is a multi-part question…

Then clearly you’ll have been able to read them then

At this point I’m note sure if you’re joking or not… For the sake of psychiatric wards everywhere I hope so.

I have zero issues with downloading whatever there is to download or accessing what needs to be accessed. That’s a product of me having ACCESS to the information available on this forum, knowledge on where to find that information in the first place, as well as having familiarity with the sim.

A newcomer to the sim and a simmer who isnt present/active on the forum would have harder time accomplishing this task due to their lack of experience and lack of access to information. If use of such an important feature is dependent on experience or access to information on a forum, then it’s design is simply not intuitive.

The type of people that defend this type of stuff do little more than advertise how much of their personality is based on feelings of superiority. You think that because YOU know how to do something that others dont that makes you better. You think that just because you went through something that it shouldnt be made easier for others. You base your identity off of being above others and know that allowing others easier access to things you “achieved” would eliminate your ill gotten sense of achievement. It’s something that is prevalent in the flight sim community. People putting others down on the basis of knowledge or difficulty. Just because YOU know how to do something doesnt mean it cant be made simpler for the people that dont. It’s okay to help people that need help…

UI/UX improvement is important. Quality of life improvements are important. Ease of use is important. I will absolutely die on this hill.


In my view the problem is that the players don’t explore games anymore. When i have a new video game i click all buttons in order to see what’s behind. I “explore” every corner of the menu.

I play other games and there is the same issue. The players are just jumping straight into the campaign, match or whatever and complain about missing features or stuff that doesn’t work. Well, did you ever think about clicking on that shiny “options” button?

The solution can’t be to throw every single thing into peoples face and to force feed them. I don’t want to get spammed with messages about new items in the marketplace because other people refuse to click on the button.

Bit of a strawman. Nobody’s saying that the player should get spammed with every little new thing. World updates are a very important feature of the game’s development and they come no more frequently than once a month.

They are large updates and already get “thrown into peoples face” in the form of an all encompassing update screen anyway. All it would take for them to make world update scenery installation more streamlined, is while you’re on the download screen it can ask you if you want the new world update scenery or not. That’s it.

It’s one thing to have small features be hidden away. But major features like large content updates should not have to be “explored” for.

We already had 3 world updates and all worked the same way. Now we are at number 4 and the “Tech Insider” still doesn’t know how it works?

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there should only be three big buttons:

  1. Update
  2. Fly
  3. Land

Either that, or… uncomplexity of Tech Alpha Insiders. :wink:

And that’s something I can agree with. Is this a simple enough process for me and am I happy with it? Yeah. Could it be better and more seamless? Absolutely. I am a huge fan of the way Apple’s design philosophy works. It’s elegant. I love MSFS, but I DO think it can be more elegant.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with voicing that the update process COULD be better. It’s workable right now, but… I think an improvement wouldn’t be a bad thing in the future.

The key thing is prioritizing this. Would I want this update improvement to take precedence over other bug fixes that are critical and much needed? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

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Haha … Nice! Always good to see another under / thru enthusiast! I’ve stopped posting on my thread regarding these sort of structures, as I didn’t want to keep bumping my own thread. However, I figured I’d mention here that if you follow the Champs-Elysees north from the L’Arc de Triomphe you soon see the Grand Arche de la Defense. Not quite as hard of a challenge, but still a thrill to zip through!

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Well, its good that we are not forced to install the world sceneries if we dont like. Its not too hard to read install instructions or go to the store to claim your free content…

Correct me if I’m wrong, I can’t remember, but weren’t the update instructions explained in the update screen when you started the game? Or am I the only one that actually reads those?

Now this thread is going in circles…

  1. I’m FOR having the OPTION to install scenery. I’m saying that option should be presented to the user in a better way.

  2. Correct, reading instructions isnt rocket science. But this isnt about outright difficulty. It’s about efficiency and intuitive design. To reference instructions you need to be aware of them and know where to find them. The instructions are located at the bottom of the update splash screen changelog, or in the forum. I would say that most users dont look through the changelog so thoroughly and dont have a forum presence either. That’s par for the course for most online communities. Yes, there will always be a group that does both but those arent the majority. Instructions should be needed for complex and uncommon tasks, not for utilizing major features like installing half of a world update.

You are correct.

Depends on the demographic. Out of the standard population - many will just glance briefly at the changelog or even skip reading it all together (like terms and conditions) and click “update”.

Out of an enthusiast forum population - I’d say the majority would read the changelog with some semblance of attentiveness, by virtue of well, being enthusiasts.

Yup. I concur. I think it’s important, but not necessarily critical enough to take precedence over more significant fixes.

Gameplay comes first 100%. Though I would like to see this get done eventually.

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You mean, a big welcome screen your looking at for atleast a minute and a news section in the main menu and promotion on all the social media channels isnt enough? Well, the next option then is to force it to everyone, but that would be the worst option.