The new replay feature not available in VR?

Has anybody successfully used the new replay feature in VR? I can’t enable it.

In order to access the developer’s menu I have to switch to 2D mode. Then after enabling the replay toolbar button, I cannot switch back to VR - an error appears saying something like VR headset is not available suggesting to check if openXR is running (it’s obviously running). At this point there is no way to switch back to VR no matter what I try to do. VR will work again only after the sim restart.

Reverb G2.

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I have exactly the same problem

I have tried it yesterday on my Quest2 and it works ok. The only Problem i had, was that i thought the sim froze when i wanted to save the recording. Reason was, that windows opened a folder to choose a filename and location. This was only visible in 2d an i didnt see it because the window was not on Top of my screen. The sim obviously didnt respond to any inputs anymore. But i wasnt able to change the Weather or seat-position during the Playback. That is a bit sad but the reason for this could be the VR-Toolbar bug. The Workaround with CTRL-0 didnt have any effect in Playback

Works for me as well, kind of. When I try to interact with overhead controls it opens the dev toolbar and I don’t think there’s a way to lock it.

I haven’t tried the replay feature but I have a suggestion. When I get the error when trying to return to VR, the problem usually happens when I’m actively in a flight. If that’s your case then try hitting the escape key to pause the flight and view the menu window where you can change your settings and other options. Once in this window try to switch over to VR. I can usually switch back to VR when in this menu.

I’m just watching all these posts about issues with the latest version, and resisting the temptation to even start FS and immerse myself in the quagmire they have created.
The person in charge of authorizing update releases at Asobo needs a very threatening Performance Review!

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