The only thing killing the 310 is the autopilot

Yes, it is an amazing add-on. By the way, it is best experienced in first-person pilot’s view. Never understood why anyone would fly a plane like this like it’s an arcade.

Also, managing throttle via keyboard F2 and F3? Oh man… It’s hard enough to land with rapid micro-adjustments using a throttle quadrant (as it should).

This aircraft has NEVER caused crashes in my system. Don’t blame this plane for your crashes.

Sound is supposed to vary depending on your angle of view in a moving airplane (this includes doppler effect with rapid camera shifts in drone camera)


Sorry I haven’t noticed any of those audio issues, or the power management issues. I’ve had a few complaints about the flight model but nothing fatal. And no issues controlling the throttle.

I actually only flight outside the cockpit because what I love is to see the plane flying over beautiful landscapes or cities, but I like to fly it myself the easiest way possible, I’m not interested in trying being a pilot.
As per the keyboard, it’s my preference, I don’t like joysticks or similar stuff
And the sound yes, it is normal to do that but it is quite poor compared with other planes, that’s what I meant.
And the crashes only happen when I select this plane and an airport just hit start flight and it closes. Every time I start the sim with this plane, so it’s it.
Thanks for your input.

Yes it’s weird but also happens with FBW and the Headwindsim-330-900
Thanks anyway
I won’t be using them because they stress me more than giving me joy.

“Private video”

Fair enough. I would not recommend the MilViz 310 for your purposes because it is designed towards fidelity to the model and simulation. Default MSFS planes would actually be better since they are far less nuanced and thus simpler to operate in 3rd person.

I would avoid any 3rd party planes that try to be “study” level. I do recommend Carenado planes for you since they are known for excellent visual models (inside and out) and simpler flight characteristics.

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Yeah, I it think it makes sense

Really? That’s too bad with the simpler flight models as this wasn’t the case in FSX/P3D.

My recollection of the old Carenado flight models were that they were ok but nothing terribly accurate outside of cruise speed. They were acceptable so long as you kept it within a normal flight envelope.

I used to design most of the flight dynamics for Milviz and Carenado, which means that they were basically identical concerning accuracy, especially at the edge of the performance envelope (and beyond) .
The funny thing is that most people praised the Milviz flight models and belittled those from Carenado. :joy:


Yeah, the brand name tag is the only thing that counts these days. PMDG has a cult following despite getting worse and worse, whereas Just Flight was initially mocked for developing the F28 because "Who needs an old jetliner that’s not even used anymore