I’m pretty certain there’s some 3D genius out there who would know how to model those sunken beach huts and place them exactly to fit over the frankly disappointing ones baked into the image at the moment. Such a shame - the water mask around the island is gorgeous.
The Blackshark AI stuff is unable to recognize the “houses”.
It’s the same with boats in marinas. They often look sunken.
Bijan’s Seasons now includes some 3D models for Bora Bora
I’ve got his files loaded, as far as I know correctly. Perhaps Bijan could tell us if he modelled the beach houses? If so, then I guess I’ve loaded his add-on incorrectly (although I’ve been using the latest version and have been using his add-on for quite a while now through many versions without problems).
I do have them modeled in one part of the island. Exact GPS would be: -16.52962818,-151.77178860
I will get to the other ones as soon as possible.
THIS, my friend, is global warming!
Looks very promising, great work!
But I guess it is not possible to extend the poles of the beach huts into the water?
Without that it still looks great, but the huts do seem to be floating…
This may come as a surprise for many but the water in the sim is not transparent, unlike other games I have seen. I did extend the poles in water but nothing shows under water. That’s a major flaw. I was hoping to add sea life in there such as corals, fish and whales maybe but that won’t work.
I sort of expected something like this. Still, the screenshots you are showing of your work look superb.
Thank you
Those little huts look like they are straight out of Dead Island.