The Return of the Legendary A320 Pizza Livery

Only rarely seen by a few in the past, but even those reports are being questioned. Today, somewhere over France it made a spectacular return, only to disappear again after a few minutes. Evidence shows that another, even more mythical aircraft - the hot air balloon - has been spotted. No one knows when, or where the - now infamous - pizza livery will be seen again. Keep your eyes peeled!


Now that is a surprise :slight_smile:

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someone learned how to disable SEC 2 and 3 … gee, i wonder who taught him that :stuck_out_tongue:

because its the only way you will get the 320 to allow inverted flight like that :smiley:

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Possibly a C152 Aerobat in disguise?

Awesome!!! Haha!

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:pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza:


@simtom2, how did you get your “photographer” title? Is it a question of how many screenshots one uploads? Or rather the amount of likes for posts with pictures?




LOL… not only is the livery fantastic, but those shots are brilliant too! great stuff

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Now i become hungry…thanks mate :joy:

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