It would be nice if Asobo “released” their aircraft carrier into the wild!
The one that exists for the Top Gun landing challenge. It is the only challenge folder in “Official/One Store” that includes the scenery: in this case the carrier and its escort ships and obviously because it has to: they only exist there.
So as an experiment I copied and pasted the carrier, the Frigates and the Humans from that folder into “community” and I can get the Frigates (weirdly they sail away north west). But so far something is stopping “carrier” from appearing.
I suspect it won’t be much and therefore they could tweak its file structure or whatever - probably very quickly and easily. If so they could make it available with a future update.
Now wouldn’t that be a great addition to the permanent sim?
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agreed. hopefully someone can make a mod to make it always available, even if just static.
Ok sorry - but it did say “Bug Reports and Wishlist” so I was aiming for the “Wishlist bit”
I agree, it is confusing!
So where should “Wishlists” go then?
Here (clickable link): #bugs-and-wishlist:wishlist
Bug Reports and Wishlist > Wishlist
Do a search in the wishlist first to see if there’s an existing wish.
There appears to be an existing wish on it:
Are you already using World Carriers » Microsoft Flight Simulator and just want it officially added to the game? If not: good news, there’s already a free addon that does exactly that =)
Yeah would be cool if like it just randomly appeared on the map from time to time.