Description of the issue:
I think the problem is the tower controlled airport. Today I asked manually the landing intention after cancel the IFR. The tower cleared the runway, and i acknowledged that, but after the landing, the tower ask me acknowledge the last transmission. (or did you copy) Doesn’t matter. This wasn’t the first time when i reckognised this issue with ATC, after landing. So i think the problem is the controlled airport.
Thanks for attention (and sorry for my bad english)
Often. I think every mission when the airport is ATC controlled. Usually no problem when the ATC offer IFR cancellation automatically or i landed on an “abandoned” airport.
Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:
Start a cargo, or Private charter mission to a destination that is tower contolled.
Fly there, wait the landing clearence, acknowledge it and land the plane
When you touch the ground, the ATC most likely will ask you to acknowledge the last transmission (or something similar)
Finish the mission, and get the bad Airline Procedure score
(Usually I get 75% Airlinde Procedure on every similar case)
Maybe interesting, The game not give me the penalty for comminication or i land without clearence. I got 100% for Aviator Performance)
No mods, just the base game.
[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?
Base, Standard Edtion, Not Developer
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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes. To reproduce it, simply fly a Private Charter, Cargo or any mission in which “Airline Procedures” is assessed, with destination to a tower controlled airport. The bug always happen, regardless if the flight is VFR, IFR, or if IFR is cancelled during the flight.
Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• As the OP described, I have also observed that every mission with destination to a tower controlled airport, the ATC seems to ‘forget’ that we acknowledged the landing clearance, and we receive a message such as “did you copy?” immediately after touching down.
This seems to be the reason we get a drop to 75% in Airline Procedures in all missions that this is assessed: Cargo, VIP Charter, etc. - The mission thinks we missed an ATC transmission, when we did not (see screenshots below). As a result, we almost always get a reputation drop at the end of the mission.
The issue does not happen if the destination is not tower controlled, and we are able to achieve 100% Airline procedures normally.
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• yes
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I find Im most likely to get this if I cancel IFR.
I can complete all necessary ATC instructions, and I’ll get 75% unless the destination is not controlled.
usually this is because, at some point the COMMS window will not allow me to send an instruction to ATC, or when I send, I dont get a response / ack.
Ive confirmed the tower frequency is correct… and often, once I land get to hold short, then will atc will contact me.
this is independent of the ‘default enter key’ comms
( which tends to stop working as soon as I use the comms window for anything)
this is using the comms dialog panel.
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• yes
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• It often happened to me that I did receive one message, and before I even could acknowledge that, ATC already sent the next message. After acknowledging that message, everything in the mission screen went green, but maybe it only remembered that missed acknowledge after landing.
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I have tons of bug but the game is running pretty well, i mean i have NO CRASHES at all, and everything is running well, excepted ATC and penalty in Career mode than are driving me to MADNESS
Negative score at AERIAN PROCEDURE in carreeer mode when transporting passenger ( -20% -11% ) in any plane
ATC is bugging too much (No clearance, stuck at Cruise ALT, LAnding with wrong
wind direction )
Getting ATC speed penalty wheareas i am fine and follow the flight plan , respecting speed below 10k feet
Missing ATC communication penalty just because i am thinking 20 second (REMOVE THIS !)
Time for fixing your issue, PLEASE MAKE PENALTY SMOOTHER for PEOPLE THAT Are SPENDING TIME on the game for trying to improve their carrer but they got the oppositive (reputation reset, falling down ) (loose of credit)
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes
Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• I just flew an airliner mission that actually assigned correct altitudes for me. Once I got close enough it even cleared me for approach! However, it never let me acknowledge that and it also never gave me clearance to land although I was cleared and for approach and stabilized on approach. Now, before I explain further I need to say that I keep the communications window open because I know it likes to bug out and not let me automatically respond so sometimes I have to do it manually, so I know there was nothing there for me to acknowledge either. I proceeded to land without clearance anyways because I was stabilized, I saw the runway well before minimums and I know this awful game likes to bug out. Anyways, once I touch down it asks me “did you copy my last transmission?”, which was the landing clearance. The hell you mean last transmission, there was no transmission. It never showed up in my mission steps nor did it show up in my communications window, it just completely skipped over my landing clearance. Then when I cleared the runway it asks me to ask for taxi clearance but it doesn’t actually let me ask for taxi clearance by pressing Enter and I can not choose it manually in the communications panel either. I then have to illegally taxi to get on with the mission and take yet another aviator performance hit. I did complete the mission eventually but I took a hit to aviator performance.
Oh, also, speed selector bugged out and would not let me choose manual speed so I took a flaps speeding hit as well.
Sorry for the rant I’m just absolute furious with this scam of a game and my Game Pass runs out tomorrow and I’m not coming back.
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this happens almost all the time when it actually clears you, had it happen 3 times this week already. I’ve not yet found any way to work around this one, except for requesting descent under fl180 and then quickly cancelling IFR. ATC then no longer really has a chance to bug out like this, and it doesn’t cause penalties. It’s not great but it kind of works
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes and its happening for passenger transport with 737 as well
Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• Sometimes the landing clearance is not issues, while sometimes it is issued but even pressing the interaction button to acknowledge, it doesn’t do that, but the mission step goes green. Then at landing the ATC asks “did you hear my last transmission?” indicating that I didn’t acknowledge it. The comms also doesn’t have anything else that you can do at that point. This however doesn’t seem to count as a missed ATC transmission for aviator performance. But there are other ATC transmissions that do, which are overlapped, come up at the same time and you can not acknowledge them. For example they clear you to descend and then hand over, but you can’t acknowledge the decent anymore, only the handover, which probably counts as missed transmission, although it doesn’t appear an orange penalty box. I constantly get low airline procedure because of this but also because they let you high when you should have started to descent, so I rather start my decent when needed and let the ATC mock about. Asking cruise altitude decrease might help with the score, i don’t know, but then it can happen in a time when they hand you over or clear you, which messes up the ATC and can cause missed transmission and bug out, which is why I don’t do that anymore.
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