The Xbox experience

I am going to play for 9 months, and I play every day. I have xbox S. I have experienced update 9 and 10. When I started everything was wonderful, but update 9 arrived and everything broke. With these latest updates the game has improved a lot, I don’t have so many CTDs anymore. But what is inexplicable is that things that previously worked well stop working. That will not be the fault of the third party developers, it will be the fault of Asobo. My big problems now are the lights on the slopes at night that don’t come on and the communications with the control tower that mysteriously stop talking and I only listen to my answers. This before the update worked fine. Whose fault is it then?


Interesting. I have two products by FlyTampa, those are Corfu Island and Copenhagen Airport. And I’m absolutely certain that Corfu Island causes CTDs every single time. Perhaps this developer is simply not optimising their products very well on Xbox. I will investigate this a bit more in detail.

I agree with some posts above, some airports are for sure working pretty well, so the CTD problems are for sure product specific.

Right now I’m making a list of my addons that have problems and I will try to address this with the respective developer or simply claim a refund.

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Xbox X user, primarily flying the “Big Tin” and enjoying the A310 but have many other add-ons and airports, along with purchased aircraft. And for the most part, very few CTDs!

I have updated everything, and keep it as such. Overall, with the exception of a few blips, especially with sceneries, I am very very satisfied with the console and the game itself. Don’t change a thing!


The only thing consistent about this sim is the inconsistency of each user’s experience.

I posed a question for a past Q&A that wasn’t asked, but it needs to be — does Asobo have any explanation for why two Xboxs running the base sim with zero add-ons can have vastly different experiences?

If they are incapable of answering that, then I’m unsure how this sim will ever perform as it “should”.

@TJTurner As miserable as it is, have you ever tried a complete reinstall of the sim, leaving it as just the base install (no WUs, no Maverick, no 3rd party, etc.) and used it like that for a spell to see if it is more stable?


Does anyone know if simply having add-ons installed affects the performance of the sim? I always thought not, because if you’re not near a 3rd party airport or using a plane it shouldn’t be in memory right? But then I’m also thinking when you’re not using a plane and someone else is using a third party plane that you own there is model matching. So maybe some parts are loaded in?

Surely this can’t be so because there are people with tons of add ons flying around fine but I just thought I’d ask to make sure in case somebody knew.

They’re going to have to change a thing because there are real issues. I’d be wary of being complacent here, as just as i said in my earlier comments until very recently i was one of those users with almost zero CTDs. Now i seem to be generously gifted them. That said i never took the view that if mine’s ok then keep the status quo

You might find yourself in the same position and be lobbying for a fix.

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Well in all fairness two identical pcs also have different experiences.
I’d say it’s a bit of the silicon lottery (down to every component, mosfets etc)
And in the case of two separate units under control of two separate users, that variable factors a lot. Phones, gpus etc all subject to different user experiences.
In my experience most moments when my system was performing below spec was due to some setting or software that was really my fault. There has also been a few just “bad” pieces of hardware over the years.

(I’ve known people who swear they rebooted their device…but in fact only put it to sleep) there is just too many factors in play…some people follow all the steps, and some just follow the steps they understand or are “comfortable” doing and will declare something broken because it didn’t work for them even though they “followed all the steps” .this sim shines a light on these disparities can’t say it creates them.

****pc user here, so feel free to ignore. Just sharing some thoughts

I remember i believe it was the Galaxy Note 3 or so
…where a couple months after release, people who got replacements soon noticed a blue hue on the screens compared to the whiter color release models…sure enough Samsung changed horses mid stride with a different display manufacturer and THAT was a change we the consumers can See…imagine all the changes that we don’t see between revisions. Sometimes release day products can be better than revised versions that come later and are more based towards cost savings.and streamlining.

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Naturally, but two identical PCs is a rarity. One may have some software running at an OS level that the other doesn’t and most people here on the forum aren’t buying Brand X Model Y PCs and running the sim on it.

Again, I’m not trying to exclude the PC here, for I have one and understand the issues of inconsistency exist with it, too.

I mainly made the question an Xbox “thing” because it is such a highly controlled environment/platform that is easier to setup in a like-for-like way than that of the PC install-base.

I have a very hard time believing that across all these Xboxes that the issue is a hardware component level issue. It would be highly likely that that would manifest itself outside of the sim and in other ways, which according to everyone who discusses it here on the forum, isn’t the case.


I never believed in a hardware component level issue. It really is down to the developer whether or not they are willing/capable to develop with Xbox in mind. And i do believe this is rarely the case. The only example I can think of is LVFR when they developed their A319/A321’s. They listened very closely to the Xbox community and reacted accordingly.


I’ve added a little more thoughts in the post above.
Briefly…let’s say i have a day 1 xbox and you bought yours 6 months later…add to that the shortages etc…we both open our machines…there are going to be different chips, components, built somewhere else by someone else. Essentially 2 different systems…very very similar…but different

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Yeah the question is how much deviation is allowed between units that are both allowed to pass through QA. There are always extremes on the edges of the curve no doubt, but if I had to guess I would say the overall distribution for XBOXes is much closer to the center given it is such a tightly controlled system. It all has to pass down one quality control pipeline. Whether that pipeline is good or bad is up for debate but except in extreme cases I don’t think we need to discuss hardware level discrepancies before dealing with other, lower hanging fruit.

For example, many people have been running the sim fine for a long time on their XBOXes. And then their experience changes noticeably with an update or beta. To me, it is more likely in that situation that the software is at fault rather than some sudden hardware deterioration.


Thinking the issue is a hardware-based one is a red herring.

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Oh i agree on the last part…yes updates can break and fix things that’s just how the cookie crumbles. I’ve seen updates (for other devices) that brick units. We should all understand that the sim is an ever changing project that is going to be subject to hits and misses, progress and regression. Your frustration is valid, the finger pointing not so much

Calm down…no one is attacking your box…just pointing out there are “varieties” with differences.

For instance…someone in this thread mentioned they didn’t have ctd’s for a while and that now suddenly they do have them…(i might have missed, but didn’t see them say it happened after an update…sounds like it just started.) So that means there is a different variable in play…I’d start analyzing connection to the servers since nothing on the system has changed, then I’d check for dust and temps etc…i don’t see the connection to software which was working fine till it wasn’t.
Again, maybe i missed where they stated the ctds started right after update…if that was the case ok fine, i don’t see the connection to Asobo sabotaging the xbox on purpose. Pc has been “broken” a few times too, it’s the path forward, this is a whole lot of new territory.

I’m not upset, in the least. You’ve completely misinterpreted my tone.

I design, program and assemble electronic modules. I feel my experience gives me confidence in saying that thinking this is a hardware-related issue is just a waste of energy.


Ok well red herring felt like it was to invoke the whole “xbox vs pc”.
Just came across that way by the phrasing.
Ah…written text…right? My apologies

Ah. Understood.

No, what I meant was going down the path of blaming the Xbox’s hardware potentially having quality issues that are causing the sim issues was(is) a red herring.

I don’t want to let Asobo and 3rd party developers off the hook that easily! Ha!


Couldn’t have said it any better. Thanks

Maybe you could answer something for me, hopefully i can phrase it so it makes sense.
But lets say we have 2…anythings…let’s say 2 smartwatches exactly similar…both are tested to show they are 100% capable of their roles. Lets say further testing is done and shows one is 101% capable and the other is 104% capable (■■■■ i hope this is making sense)…is it impossible for the 2nd device to ever outperform the 1st device while operating in their normal state? And what about a case where both watches are loaded at 96% will they both handle that exactly the same or would the 2nd watch have slightly more overhead and be able to handle that load better?

I understand what you’re thinking.

Before we attempt to apply your thinking to the sim and the Xbox (or PC), let’s take a step back.

Let’s look at the overall health of the sim. It’s simply no where near a place where it is 99%, heck 90%, issue-free.

The sheer volume of performance issues across the sim and on both PC and Xbox suggests there is far more affecting our level of consistent performance than “pushing the envelope” of percentages of variance in tolerance in the specified window of a given component’s performance.

I’m not saying there isn’t validity to your thinking, but we need to see the sim reach a level of overall stability to begin to explore that area and its effects on our issues.

Take a simple 3rd party airport, for example. There are threads here (I’ve linked to them in other Xbox 3rd party CTD threads) that talk about how if certain files in the add-on are not correct they can have a knock-on effect that breaks other parts of the sim.

I have no idea how there can be a 3rd party QA baseline, because of how the way the add-on approval system currently works — they check for a basic set of criterion being met for compliance with age rating, text descriptors, etc. They aren’t performing a true QA test plan on every add-on that enters the Marketplace.

Basically, that alone means we just need a better way to obtain refunds since it is, essentially, guaranteed we will have add-ons that aren’t built right.

What’s been frustrating for me is how so many of us here speculate on what the causes of the issues are. We speculate that two identical Xbox Series X with just the base sim installed that have different user experiences (eg. user A has CTDs, user B has none — same install) must be down the the servers — yet Asobo, never weighs in on our conversations, so we really don’t have any idea how the server variance can/will affect our individual experiences.

That was the basis of my Q&A question that wasn’t voted high enough on — explain that variance for us, Asobo, please. Maybe it can be resubmitted for a future Q&A. It really was a question that PC users should want an answer to, because it is the meta of what is going on here.