Theory on the Inclusion of the A330 and the Beluga A330-743XL in MSFS 2024

Hello everyone,

I am Jehouty and I wanted to share a theory I developed after watching the latest trailer for Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2024.

In the trailer, you can clearly see an A330 in the colors of Air Portugal (TAP). Moreover, as we know, the Airbus Beluga A330-743XL will be present in the final version. The sight of an A320 parked with the A330 in the background leads me to believe that IniBuilds would also be working on the A330 in parallel with the development of the Beluga.

This is just a theory and I would be delighted to hear what you think. Do you think the A330 and the Beluga A330-743XL could be added to MSFS in the 2024 update?

Best regards, Jehouty

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I suppose since Aerosoft is also developing A330 for MSFS 2024, not sure if this is indeed their aircraft, or if it’s a freeware that would have cannibalise Aerosoft’s sales.

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In my opinion it’s Inibuild they are already on the a400 and the Beluga. Given that the a330 has the same base as the Belug they would save considerable time for its development

I guess that makes sense… I am interested in the comparison between inibuilds and Aerosoft’s A330.

But to be honest, my personal preference is for inibuilds to focus their developments on their A350s. This is because we’re already oversaturated with A330s in the current market. We have freeware Headwind A330, LatinVFR A330, there’s upcoming Aerosoft A330. All of these should be compatible for FS24. Having inibuilds to build another A330 is just going to overcrowd the A330 market.

The Beluga is nice to have… but a regular passenger A330 is getting boring already with the choices that we already have. While A350 is much needed, and I’ve been waiting for 4 years now.


I’m 99% sure this A330 (like the 747 and the 320 in this scene) is just live traffic. The active plane in use in that case is the Caravan, because this part of the trailer is about medvac missions.

Except that in 2020 there is no A330 model for live traffic and I’m sure they are not including 3rd party addons in the trailers as that would be misleading.

I wouldn’t be surprised if an Inibuilds A330 dropped in MSFS 2024, and I’d be happy if it did because this market is definitely not saturated. At the moment there is no good A330 available for MSFS 2020.

You are talking about MSFS 2020, I’m talking about MSFS 2024, how do you know there’s no A330 model for the live traffic in the new sim? Also, the 2020 doesn’t have those liveries (Iberia, TAP and Air France) for the live traffic (because of IP limitations), and in the trailer we can see those. My point is, the fact we don’t have an A330 for the live traffic doesn’t mean we won’t have those in 2024.

But again, it doesn’t seem to be a controllable model (it seems to have fewer details than expected) and also that part of the video is showing medvac operations, and the caravan is the aircraft being used.

I’m not saying we won’t have an A330 for the base fleet, I’m just saying this one being shown here in the topic doesn’t look live a controllable model.

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For sure your scenario is entirely plausible. I’ll continue hoping for a high fidelity A330 rather than a traffic only model. We’ll all find out in less than 6 months (probably).

Can you imagine this plot twist if that’s an FSLTL addon used for the trailers. :rofl:


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised.

We already know this trailer was made using MSFS2020. I personally wouldn’t draw any conclusions from such an early trailer myself. You may be working yourselves up to disappointment.

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We will see when the second trailer is available I heard that it will be presented on June 9th.


The trailer wasn’t made using MSFS 2020. They’ve used MSFS 2024, but an older version of it. That was officially confirmed in a Q&A stream, when they’ve said the “horizon line” present in the trailer was already fixed in a newer version.


Didn’t they say that it used 2020 in a Q&A too? Either way. Early trailers generally aren’t a reliable source of what will be in the actual game. Hopefully we get more concrete details next month.

No, as far as I know, Sebastian WLoch said they used an older version of the 2024. And the version they were using(now older version, because it’s been almost an year) had fixes/improvements not present on the trailer.

I was right about the a330. I hope it will be study level. just watch the latest trailer, can’t wait for November 19th

the a330 is beautiful and well produced by Inibuilds as I saw right I am very happy. The proof is enough to see their tablet similar to all their product


It’s not going to be study level as inibuilds are not making study level airliners even for their own label. They do make high fidelity addons so I’m sure it will be good.

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This could be the Beluga though?

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