There is no downgrade in SU5

Just the fact somebody is telling other people what they see is not true and everything is as per before is quite funny. Ok, thanks…if I say “no downgrade” this would make you happy and you leave us raising in peace our complaints to Microsoft then?

After SU 5
low end PC…you got a upgrade
Medium PC…no difference
High end PC…downgrade

just check developer mode in the sim…they capped system resource to match the Xbox x…System ram and Gpu Vram. For the extra FPS there is a trade off…On the high end system you notice it immediately. Try pushing the sim now and see if you break over 10g of ram use or over 7 gigs of vram. not happening.


Totally agree. They are caught up on symantecs when there’s is clearly a degradation of visual quality.

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Just to follow up to my last post. Do I think this is the final version for PC? Absolutely not. Xbox release had to happen ON TIME. ASOBO HAD to meet that deadline. Standard business practice. And The Xbox release is great for the sim community. More people that are involved benefits us all. My opinion now, I do think PC will be rewarded for getting the sim where it is today. Hopefully sooner than later… :+1:

It took me 8 hours of downloading a simple version.

And the result was that I didn’t download that fully because it crashed.

That is really not nice and I’m not going to play it until they will fix it.

“We tuned the distances, the draw distances, of objects and the way the LOD’s are being used in order to minimise the number of meshes and textures in memory at the same time.”

Yes this is what most users now complain about. No idea if Asobo will be reverting back, I hope so for PC builds. Yet this might cancel the performance gain… Or part of it.

How to have a wide draw and refresh perimeter with the SU5 performance, this is the curious question that I can’t wait to see it mentioned in the next Q&A.

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I am playing on a 1080p monitor and I saw the difference in graphics after SU5


I must need my eyes examined. I swear this chasm wasn’t there before.

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Oh, yeah, i see the deep deep downgrade :slight_smile:

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Right now I’m the one who feels like a dummy for spending over 5 grand on a new PC and flight gear. Especially since my old PC was already better than an xbox.


Another graphics bug I’m noticing. Has anyone seen this behavior?

Cloud Horizon Glitch

Comparison Cloud shots before and after SU5. Guess which one is SU5? (hint, it’s got less detailed clouds).


I have a decent PC and GPU and find the update has helped me rid stutters in VR and gauge resolution; so it has helped my system a great deal.

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“Tere is no downgrade in SU5” …and the earth is a disk


Amazing screenshots and yes, the game does look this good, way beyond anything in the market in this genre right now. People tend to mistake performance optimizations with actual downgrades. Nothing has been downgraded, the sim has been made more reasonable on hardware load. I think both the community and the developers should focus on the bugs instead, because they do cause headache.


There is a massiv downgrade since SU5!


Isn’t that a contradiction though as how can it not be downgraded then made more reasonable in the same vein.

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No downgrade?


No, a downgrade means shaping the graphics to be simpler (switching to a less realistic lighting model, turning off effects, lowering texture resolution and/or using less defined in-game models), kind of what you do when you generally turn down the graphics in the settings. If the new Ultra looked like the previous Medium, for example. Optimization on the other hand means making the same graphics require less hardware resources or ending up with higher performance. This is what happened in the case of SU5 and seeing the results I think the developers have made reasonable choices, which can also be further tweaked in the future. Really, graphics are the least of MSFS’s problems right now.


Btw the only way to fix a problem is to acknowledge it first.

All those saying no downgrade or mines running perfect aren’t helping.