Thermals vs. Updrafts vs. Ridge Lift

First of all, thank you MS/Asobo/Devs for this anniversary release & much appreciated! Really enjoying it!

My question has to do with the CFD modeling of thermals. I see the ridge lift well modeled, and it feels/looks (with the 3D thermals turned on) correct.

However, plain simple thermals generated by heat alone are (typically) more like a giant bubble rising in the air, sometimes with spin ( like dust devils/tornadoes). The bubbles move in the direction of the prevailing winds and can even be tilted if the winds aloft are different from the ones near the surface.

If you look at eagles soaring, you will see them fly in CIRCLEs to stay inside the bubble and the loss of lift is pretty pronounced once you exit the bubble. Tak to any glider pilot and they will tell you that a wing rising or dropping all by itself is an indication of a thermal entry/exit.

Lastly, for clouds we have UPDRAFTS close to the cloud bases. That is what gives “Cloud Streets” their name as you can go swinging from cloud to cloud…

Maybe we can build in these features over time, and enhance this experience?

For now, simply enjoying the spectacular scenery and these lovely planes.

Thanks again!!!

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I found the ridge lift to be a bit random even with the wind turned up blowing onto the ridge. The lift was rarely in the places I would expect and seemed more like a random series of lift and sink rather than the relatively steady lift you get flying along a ridge in the real world. Definitely not very realistic from my experience.

I found the ridge lift to be fairly easy. I really struggle staying in an updraft under the clouds though. Even with the thermals visible I just can’t seem to stay in them, which sucks. I need a lot more practice it seems.

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