Thessaloniki Airport (IATA: SKG, ICAO: LGTS) is missing runway 10/28

So, in the simulator, the runway looks like it is under construction albeit in real life, the runway is in use since September and it is the main, longest runway, around 3500 meters! I wonder if or when it’s going to be added to the world map. The other runway barely long enough for a fully loaded B747 to take off. Please fix this problem asap since this is a major international airport in Greece and the Balkans too.

As a suggestion, you should report this through support (zendesk) since it’s unlikely to be added to their list of missing/incorrect airports just by posting in the forum.


I am not sure how to do this. Which link works for zendesk?

on the top of your screen, the ‘support’ link.

At the Thessaloniki Airport the runway 10/28 is missing - and the arrivals - departures for the AI Big Airlines Traffic planes are not working well when landing and take off at the runways in airport, and the AI traffic Big airlines planes, when approaching to Thessaloniki airport are disappearing from the the runway when that landing or jumping from nowhere to the gates . My traffic to the game is -50% reduced and i have a problem with it…

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Runway still missing as of September 2023 :frowning_face:

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RWAY 10/28 still missing

LGTS : FS2020 v1.36.2.0 (With our without Photogrammetry)

LGTS : Navigraph

Bing Map

Google Map


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2024 still the runway 10/28 is missing !!!

I flew out of there today. Simbrief gave me a RW10 departure, which obviously didn’t work :slight_smile:

Maybe this will be a World Hub candidate when it come’s back online.

Could always buy it from the store, in fact I’ve just done that :slight_smile:

I do own this too but i experience stutter when landing and taxi in some parts of the airport now i use the free version of LGTS and its smooth, you had any issues?

I do notice this as well, probably the amount of models used. Where did you get the free version? I might try that as well.

It looks like there’s are two free sceneries on Both are about three years old. It’s hard to tell if one is “better” than the other.

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i have try both from and for me the one that works better is from